WesleyTheGeolien / t20-Dash_Well_Viz

The aim is to try and build some interactive log visualisations using dash in notebooks and demonstrate what is possible (and also what the limitations are) using dash on subsurface data. Ultimately it would be good to try and collate all the examples into a library of templates to share after the Hackathon :swung: I have put together a quick Google Sheet with some initial ideas, so feel free to either pick one that interests you or add something to the list that you think would be fun to make, all ideas welcome.
Apache License 2.0
23 stars 16 forks source link

Create tabbed plots: set up tabs so we can display more plots than just the crossplot #47

Open mharty3 opened 4 years ago

mharty3 commented 4 years ago



WesleyTheGeolien commented 4 years ago

An example of tabs or atleast internal hyperlinks can be found in this dash example: https://github.com/plotly/dash-sample-apps/tree/master/apps/dash-financial-report