WesnothRBY / picker

ultimate random map picker
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Show player names in replays instead of RBY_SIDE #3

Closed skyfaller closed 10 years ago

skyfaller commented 11 years ago

Can we can change RBY so that instead of seeing RBY_SIDE as the player in the replay archives we see the actual player names? This would make finding replays in the archives a fair bit easier as you could just search for your name, and would make it much less painful to report games to ladder8.

f6p commented 11 years ago

Well, that can't be done (at least according to my knowledge). All MP campaigns behave such way and RBY is MP campaign after all. There are some workarounds however (for example to crawl archive and display processed game list on L8 page). Hopefully I will have some more time soon to do that.

Anyways I'm closing this one as potential solutions are not add-on related.

cbeck88 commented 10 years ago

This always bothered me too. I'm going to make a feature request at bugs.wesnoth.org I think so that maybe something can be done about this.

cbeck88 commented 10 years ago

hmm actually I was just looking here:


On the one hand we have entries like:

Modified_World_Conquest_Turn_4_(13198).gz   23-Oct-2013 00:11   112K    era: Modified_World_Conquest_Era_Age_of_Legends players: MWCp, MWCp, MWCp, ai
2p__Hamlets_Turn_3_(13231).gz   23-Oct-2013 00:10   7.4K    era: era_default players: EpicWarrior, Serophexus
Scrolling_Survival_Turn_41_(13109).gz   23-Oct-2013 00:09    68K    era: Ageless Era players: ai, ai, ai, ai, ai, ai, ai, Zoom, geppo
4p_-_Isar's_Blasphemy_(Survival)_Turn_4_(13243).gz  23-Oct-2013 00:09    13K    era: era_default_plus_augu players: ai, Urraca, Caracremada
6p__Team_Survival_Turn_19_(13106).gz    23-Oct-2013 00:09    41K    era: era_default players: ai, Nk_Vlastine, martinar7, Ritch, ai, ai, ai
4p__Isars_Cross_Turn_14_(13209).gz  23-Oct-2013 00:05    17K    era: era_default players: Chewbacca, moonrider, Trey, IntroVERT
2p_-_Silverhead_Crossing_Turn_14_(13201).gz 23-Oct-2013 00:05    16K    RBY_Side, RBY_Side, RBY_Side, RBY_Side

The top one is a modified world conquest game, which I think is an MP campaign, which is noted with the era and the players. However the RBY game at bottom, which I think is a legitimate ladder game, gets only RBY_Side notes. I think I'm going to look at the modified world conquest code and see how they are setting it up.

Edit: I am stupid, they are doing the same thing we are and getting the same results we are ><. Don't know why they are getting an era tag though and we aren't.

cbeck88 commented 10 years ago

reported: https://gna.org/bugs/?21210

cbeck88 commented 10 years ago

i rewrote the script that replays.w.o was using to make descriptions of replays, went live this morning. it seems to work much better :)