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Installing Python and PyTorch · Machine-learning #1

Open utterances-bot opened 4 years ago

utterances-bot commented 4 years ago

Installing Python and PyTorch · Machine-learning


JaegerP commented 4 years ago

Hello Marie, at the risk of blowing the scope of this course before it even starts: I'm currently porting a simulation program (essentially a tensor network like in ML, but with dense matrices) in cupy and dask for (a) running on GPU if the matrices fit in the GPU's memory (b) on a single node with CPU only (c) distributed across a number of nodes, if one node's memory in insuficcient.

It looks like PyTorch is in some sense a frontend/wrapper for both cupy and dask. Do you know if that is correct? Or do you have any idea who might be able to help me with this? Thanks, Philipp

prosoitos commented 4 years ago

PyTorch is not a front end of CuPy and Dask. There are similarities in the concepts, but it would be better described as an alternative.

I guess, if you wanted to run your simulation in PyTorch instead of CuPy and Dask, that should work too.