WestFlow127 / Landmark

Weston's Landmark App for taking pictures of landmarks and sharing them on the app.
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Enable Firebase DeviceCheck #4

Open WestFlow127 opened 2 years ago

WestFlow127 commented 2 years ago

Create the .p8 and store safely. Then connect the app for Auth, APNS, and other services.

WestFlow127 commented 2 years ago

.p8 file registered with Firebase AppCheck, FirebaseAppCheck pod added. Now to make Firestore requests to see if metric data verifies completion of AppCheck.

WestFlow127 commented 1 year ago

Metric data is seen. Verified reqs happen only when using real phone, simulator does not verify requests due to emulation environment. Will need to research if there's a work-around for using AppCheck while still allowing for simulator testing.