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Git Interactive Learning (Branching) #22

Open coderbydesign opened 11 years ago

coderbydesign commented 11 years ago

I haven't really dug into this yet to see the full value, but saw a post about it and though it looked like a pretty comprehensive, interactive approach to learning some of git (particularly branching).

It looks like it assumes some basic git command-line knowledge as you progress through the 'levels' it provides.


"Branch early, and branch often!"

billgathen commented 11 years ago

That looks excellent! I have it queued up.

We definitely need to carve out some class time to learn Git: coding without a safety net is just unprofessional, and contributing to open source is impossible without a solid understanding of Git.

ThomasBush commented 11 years ago

Thanks for this, excited to run through this as branching and some aspects of git are still a bit foreign to me. Another area I would love to become more proficient is the terminal. @flanderb and I were trading some terminal tips last class that were helpful. Bill, I tend to catch you doing things I had not seen before that make life so much easier - like tabbed auto complete/ tabbed available options. Im not sure what others think, but would love to spend some time learning the terminal if @billgathen or @walsh1kt agree it would be worth our time.

billgathen commented 11 years ago

Being a power-user at the command-line will eliminate a lot of errors and save you tons of time down the road.

I highly-recommend PeepCode's "Meet The Command-Line" https://peepcode.com/products/meet-the-command-line and the sequel "Advanced Command-Line" https://peepcode.com/products/advanced-command-line

I learned most of what I know from these two videos. The first takes you on a tour of the system and the second shows how to customize your environment to maximize productivity and joy.

The problem with devoting a lot of time to it in class is that we're fairly evenly split between macs and windows machines, and this stuff doesn't translate.

billgathen commented 11 years ago

This looks like a good reference for Git. Not much guidance, but a good reminder of the syntax of commands: http://overapi.com/git/

Lots of other technologies in there: the Ruby one is probably faster for most use-cases than the ruby-docs page itself. :-)