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Ruby Rogues - Ruby Nuby Episode #4

Open coderbydesign opened 11 years ago

coderbydesign commented 11 years ago

This episode was just released and seems like it is a perfect introduction to the rogues podcasts with some nuby info. I am only about 10 minutes into the episode but it sounds like most of the panel had no programming experience before entering the Ruby community. It should be interesting to hear their experiences, as they are all now successful developers.

There seems to be a lot of good information in the discussion notes: beginner tutorials, beginner challenges, mentoring etc., so I can't wait to finish listening!


billgathen commented 11 years ago

I finished listening to this on the drive in to work yesterday. Lots of good stuff: highly recommended for this group in particular. The Nubies drive the show and they do an admirable job.

A good lesson that you don't have to be a well-known Rubyist before you stand up and make a difference in the Ruby community: you can start giving back immediately. I think these four will inspire a lot of people to take a bigger bite out of (tech) life, and being on the show certainly won't hurt their careers, either.