Western-Health-Covid19-Collaboration / wh_covid19_app

Volunteer developed app containing information for frontline medical staff around COVID-19
29 stars 8 forks source link

ICU cross skilling. - Airway - WH COVID19 Intubation video #263

Open greggmiller opened 4 years ago

greggmiller commented 4 years ago

Add compressed video through this link. (Compressed from 150MB to 6MB)


As discussed yesterday @lukesleeman , if this is too significant in size we might need to think of alternatives.

lukesleeman commented 4 years ago

At the moment the app is linking through to the video on youbube, seems like a pretty good solution, so long as we are happy that users will always have mobile connection.

It seems like we can embed youtube videos on the app ( see https://pub.dev/packages/youtube_player_flutter ) so I'm thinking we might even want to remove the existing two PPE videos and replace them with an embedded youtube player.

I'm moving this one over to @greggmiller to see how he feels about using embeded youtube videos?

lukesleeman commented 4 years ago

Also it would be good to hear from @workerbee22 or @maks to see if they think that youtube_player_flutter package is any good - it does score 98, so I'm guessing its a good one?