Our rank column on Explore page is currently just the index of the items in the list. Currently we also sort by most liked, but that doesn't always mean its the best course, since a course with more ratings and less difficulty is better than a course with minimal ratings and higher difficulty.
It would be more UX-friendly if we scored all of our courses based on our own ranking algorithm. The algorithm will take into account all aggregate values of courses. This will help better reflect the complex relationships between the aggregate values.
Our rank column on Explore page is currently just the index of the items in the list. Currently we also sort by most liked, but that doesn't always mean its the best course, since a course with more ratings and less difficulty is better than a course with minimal ratings and higher difficulty.
It would be more UX-friendly if we scored all of our courses based on our own ranking algorithm. The algorithm will take into account all aggregate values of courses. This will help better reflect the complex relationships between the aggregate values.