WeuFoundDev / Governance-token-contracts

Governance contract of INPUT (INT) | A development based minting tokens for developers and researchers ecosystem.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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In the burning contract add the functionality that we need to deploy new minting contract on every protocol that has been registed in the burning contract whith the Max supply as the Investment that we got #22

Closed shivasai780 closed 1 year ago

shivasai780 commented 1 year ago
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.16;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/security/ReentrancyGuard.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "./Iint.sol";
import "./Minting.sol";
import "./IMinting.sol";
import "./IGlipVault.sol";
contract TimechainProtocol is ReentrancyGuard{
    // Define the structure for the protocol's Burning pool
    struct BurningPool {
        uint256 totalInputs;
        uint256 timeChainsLeft;
        mapping(uint=>mapping(uint=>uint)) slashingPercentage;//slashingpercent[number of investment][Amount]=slashpercent
        mapping(uint => uint)amountStaked;//Investment number-->amount staked
        address Mintingaddress;
        uint256 noOfinvestments;
        address usdUsed;
        uint256 startingBlock;
        uint256 totalslashedAmount;

    // Mapping to store the protocol's Burning pool data
    mapping(address => BurningPool) public BurningPools;

    // GLIPs vault to hold the slashed INT
    // mapping(address => uint256) public glipsVaultAmount;

    address public stableCoin1;
    address public stableCoin2;
    address public stableCoin3;
    address public stableCoin4;
    address public glipsVault;
    Iint public intToken;
    address public owner;
    address public WeuFoundation;
    constructor(address _stableCoin1,address _stableCoin2,address _stableCoin3,address _stableCoin4,address _intToken,address weuFoundation,address _glipsVault) {
        stableCoin1 = _stableCoin1;
        WeuFoundation= weuFoundation;
        glipsVault =_glipsVault;
        owner = msg.sender;

    modifier onlyOwner() {
        require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the owner can perform this action");
    // Initialize the protocol's Burning pool with initial values
    function initializeBurningPool(address _protocolAddress,address usdUsed,uint _totalamount) external nonReentrant{
        require(_protocolAddress!=address(0),"The address cannot be equal to zero address");
        require(usdUsed != address(0),"the address cannot be equal to zero address");
        require(_totalamount != 0,"the given amount cannot be equal to zero ");
        require(BurningPools[_protocolAddress].totalInputs == 0, "Burning pool already initialized");
        require(BurningPools[_protocolAddress].noOfinvestments == 0,"The pool is already initialized");
        require(usdUsed == stableCoin1 || usdUsed == stableCoin2 || usdUsed ==stableCoin3 || usdUsed == stableCoin4 ,"The tokem used should be any one of them");
        BurningPools[_protocolAddress].startingBlock = block.timestamp;
        Minting minting=new Minting();
        address contaddress=address(minting);
        IMinting(minting).initialize(usdUsed, WeuFoundation, address(intToken), _protocolAddress);
        //transfer the usd to this account,before that he need to give the approval for this contract


    // Function to add new inputs to the Burning pool
    function addInputsToBurningPool(address _protocolAddress,uint _totalamount) external nonReentrant{
        require(_protocolAddress!=address(0),"The address cannot be equal to zero address");
        require(_totalamount != 0,"the given amount cannot be equal to zero ");
        BurningPool storage pool = BurningPools[_protocolAddress];
        require(pool.noOfinvestments != 0,"The no of investments cannot be equal to zero ");
        require(pool.Mintingaddress != address(0),"The pool Haven't initialized");
        // Calculate the slashing percentage for the new supply of INT
        uint256 slashingPercentage = 100 / pool.timeChainsLeft;

        // Update the Burning pool data with the new inputs and slashing percentage
        pool.totalInputs += _totalamount;
        pool.noOfinvestments +=1;


    // Function to slash the INT tokens based on the current timechain
    function slashTokens(address _protocolAddress) external nonReentrant{
        require(_protocolAddress!=address(0),"The address cannot be equal to zero address");
        BurningPool storage pool = BurningPools[_protocolAddress];
        require(pool.timeChainsLeft > 0,"The Timechains needs to be greater than 0");
        uint completedTimeChains= (block.timestamp - pool.startingBlock)/7 days;
        uint FinalTimeChainLeft=completedTimeChains-(50-pool.timeChainsLeft);
        uint256 slashedAmount;
        for(uint i= 0 ;i<=pool.noOfinvestments;i++)
            uint amountstaked=pool.amountStaked[i+1];
             // Calculate the slashed amount for this period
            slashedAmount += (amountstaked * (pool.slashingPercentage[i+1][amountstaked]* completedTimeChains)) / 100;

        // Update the Burning pool's total inputs after slashing
        pool.totalslashedAmount += slashedAmount;
         // Add the slashed amount to the GLIPs vault
        // glipsVaultAmount[msg.sender] += slashedAmount;
        // Decrease the number of timechains left
        pool.timeChainsLeft -= completedTimeChains;
        //send the amount to the glipsVault


    // Function to get the balance of INT available to spend at the start of the current timechain
    function getBalance(address _protocolAddress) external view returns (uint256) {
        require(_protocolAddress!=address(0),"The address cannot be equal to zero address");
        BurningPool storage pool = BurningPools[_protocolAddress];
        return pool.totalInputs - pool.totalslashedAmount;

    function burnandClaim(address _protocol,uint256 amount) external nonReentrant  {
        require(amount!=0,"The address cannot be equal to zero address");
        require(intToken.balanceOf(msg.sender)>= amount,"Not Sufficient Amount in your wallet");
        require(IERC20(stableCoin1).balanceOf(address(this))>=amount || IERC20(stableCoin2).balanceOf(address(this))>=amount || IERC20(stableCoin3).balanceOf(address(this))>=amount || IERC20(stableCoin4).balanceOf(address(this))>=amount,"No sufficient Amount in the pool");
        BurningPool storage pool = BurningPools[_protocolAddress];
        require((block.timestamp - pool.startingBlock) >= 7 days,"The timechain had till not completed");
        address currentStableCoin = findGreatest(stableCoin1, stableCoin2, stableCoin3, stableCoin4);

    function findGreatest(address _stableCoin1,address _stableCoin2,address _stableCoin3,address _stableCoin4) public view  returns (address) {
        // Using if-else statements
        address greatestCoin;

        if ( IERC20(_stableCoin1).balanceOf(address(this))>= IERC20(_stableCoin2).balanceOf(address(this)) && IERC20(_stableCoin1).balanceOf(address(this)) >= IERC20(_stableCoin3).balanceOf(address(this)) && IERC20(_stableCoin1).balanceOf(address(this)) >= IERC20(_stableCoin4).balanceOf(address(this))) {
            greatestCoin = _stableCoin1;
        } else if (IERC20(_stableCoin2).balanceOf(address(this)) >= IERC20(_stableCoin1).balanceOf(address(this)) && IERC20(_stableCoin2).balanceOf(address(this)) >= IERC20(_stableCoin3).balanceOf(address(this)) && IERC20(_stableCoin2).balanceOf(address(this)) >= IERC20(_stableCoin4).balanceOf(address(this))) {
            greatestCoin = _stableCoin2;
        } else if (IERC20(_stableCoin3).balanceOf(address(this)) >= IERC20(_stableCoin1).balanceOf(address(this)) && IERC20(_stableCoin3).balanceOf(address(this)) >= IERC20(_stableCoin2).balanceOf(address(this)) && IERC20(_stableCoin3).balanceOf(address(this)) >= IERC20(_stableCoin4).balanceOf(address(this))) {
            greatestCoin = _stableCoin3;
        } else {
            greatestCoin = _stableCoin4;

        return greatestCoin;
WeuFoundDev commented 1 year ago

update the docs the contract or if its a copy delete it @shivasai780