WeyinmiOProgrammer / quintAstrum

A single-player turn-based role playing video game with crafting, exploration and slightly less sucky graphics than before. The website below links to the closest thing to a working copy online. Fork it on Replit and then Run it. Looking for anywhere else to put it.
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Update the graphics #6

Open WeyinmiOProgrammer opened 2 months ago

WeyinmiOProgrammer commented 2 months ago

Currently the graphics in this game are very lacklustre... in some sense, this does give the game a retro look (...though probably a bit too antiquated for modern standards), the target audience of my game would probably expect better. Furthermore, it is becoming harder to properly distinguish distinct items that are coloured almost identically on the map.

Also the battles lack any animation, which makes it look very barebones. Using thread.sleep() obviously didn't work, so try one of the alternative options.

{of course this update will be gradual and will probably be heavily ignored for a while}

WeyinmiOProgrammer commented 2 months ago

I found out that making the jump from using solid blocks to using actual sprites will be much easier than I thought. I hope to work on this soon in a test branch...if VSCode wasn't so slow at committing changes.

WeyinmiOProgrammer commented 1 month ago

I have updated most of the main overworld sprites to be...actual sprites. Still not perfect but they get the message across.

WeyinmiOProgrammer commented 1 month ago

This will be on hold for a bit, until I find a suitable method for my problem.