WeyinmiOProgrammer / quintAstrum

A single-player turn-based role playing video game with crafting, exploration and slightly less sucky graphics than before. The website below links to the closest thing to a working copy online. Fork it on Replit and then Run it. Looking for anywhere else to put it.
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New tools #9

Open WeyinmiOProgrammer opened 1 month ago

WeyinmiOProgrammer commented 1 month ago

Ok, so you have some basics tools (sword, axe,...jetpack) and you've also got a crafting system that gives room for mix-matching and guesswork to make cooler, newer tools


Add them. Posthaste.

Also, you gave the players oil as a usable tool...but not the fire powder? You're preventing players from being able to use and exploit status effects early on, so they can use them more later. Make them actually available.

And please don't make bottle of water an endgame item. There are literally fire enemies on the 1st planet.

WeyinmiOProgrammer commented 1 month ago

Have added fire powder - best used directly after using oil. With regards to the Cool and New Tools, I'll probably limit the making of these tools to specific crafting stations. Why, you may ask? Because, there needs to be some limits on when the player can make certain items, lest they become OP too early and beat all the enemies.

WeyinmiOProgrammer commented 1 month ago

And now I'm debating with myself what new tools I should allow the player to make besides the two new swords that I'll make available later. Naturally they need to be unique enough. Perhaps a bow that needs to be drawn back (use status effects for this) or perhaps a possessed axe that can be used to summon a temporary ghost partner (seems more unique). The last thing is maybe a poison blowdart...but the fire powder would basically be a more balanced version of that.

Also you need to rework the jetpack - make it set things on fire, but require a higher amount of MP per use.

WeyinmiOProgrammer commented 1 month ago

Having finally updated the crafting system and almost finalised the inventory code. I can finally work on these new weapons. In about a weeks time.

WeyinmiOProgrammer commented 1 month ago

The water bucket can be harvested from one enemy and there is the option to make some new weapons, though they can't do anything. Most of these weapons will probably be worked on post-first release, perhaps in a hotfix.