WgtTelia / Telia-e-shop-front-end

Storefront UI for Women Go Tech project by Telia
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Tes 64 connect backend product card data #25

Closed WitchDevelops closed 2 months ago

WitchDevelops commented 2 months ago

Connected to backend using axios.

netlify[bot] commented 2 months ago

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Latest commit ce867bee8a9940515f747866c3f9d7c64aea2199
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Deploy Preview https://deploy-preview-25--telia-web-shop.netlify.app
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KozerT commented 2 months ago

Overall, this pull request introduces some solid enhancement with the backend integration and product data fetching. The addition of the Error component and CSS loader also improve the user experience 🚀

Here are a few key suggestions:

Optimize Loader: While the CSS loader is visually appealing, we should keep an eye on its performance, especially on lower-powered devices. Would be better to use Next.js features like Suspense for loading states.

Maybe we can simplify the API interaction by using Axios directly in ProductGrid, removing the need for httpService.ts and productService.ts. This can potentially improve performance and reduce complexity.

Also, I notice that some of the images aren't loading correctly. To improve the user experience, we could add a default image for ProductCard in case the actual image fails to load during the presentation :)

Before presenting, we should also address the ESLint disabled comments in ColorDots, PlaceOrderForm, and PlaceOrderForm test.