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Apex 4X: The Comprehensive ARIA Development Suite
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Request for tutorial and more sample code #30

Closed jamalmazrui closed 2 years ago

jamalmazrui commented 2 years ago

I have a programming background but not in front-end web development with JavaScript. I looked through the repository files but could not find a tutorial. My learning would benefit considerably from an example of creating a web form with Node.js, e.g., one that captures contact information using a few different components (e.g., a textbox, combobox, button, and checkbox). Might an annotated sample like that be possible?

accdc commented 2 years ago

Yes of course, I will add this to my todo list for the near future.

Apex doesn't actually need NodeJS to do anything, this is simply used so that running a local webserver is easy to install and use for testing on a private machine.

When I write the tutorial, I'll clarify this bit too. If anything else needs further explanation or you think would be good to include, please add it here.

accdc commented 2 years ago

Hi, I apologize this took so long. My todo list was a bit longer than I anticipated.

I just finished making a Beginner Tutorial which is now at the root of the repo. This likely still needs some styling updates, but functionally I think things are working correctly. Hopefully this addresses your request. Please let me know if anything is unclear.