Closed sebasgps94 closed 3 years ago
Same problem here.
For developers who are preparing their application for animated stickers, they can start doing it but they need a rooted phone. I indicate the steps with which I have managed to install third-party stickers:
1.- Make sure you have a file explorer that supports the root. If you don't have much idea about this, please download the Solid Explorer File Manager from the Play Store. Now when you open the app, grant it root access. Open File Manager and go to the root partition. Then go to Data> Data and navigate to the com.whatsapp folder. Go to the shared_prefs folder and find the file com.whatsapp_preferences.xml
Now add the following lines to that xml file, anywhere inside the tags
<boolean name="third_party_animated_sticker" value="true" />
In ContentProvider add:
private val ANIMATED_STICKER = "animated_sticker_pack"
private val STICKER_FILE_ANIMATED = "is_animated_sticker"
private fun getStickerPackInfo(uri: Uri, stickerPackList: List
for (stickerPack in stickerPackList) {
val builder = cursor.newRow()
cursor.setNotificationUri(Objects.requireNonNull(context).contentResolver, uri)
return cursor
private fun getStickersForAStickerPack(uri: Uri): Cursor {
val identifier = uri.lastPathSegment
val cursor = MatrixCursor(arrayOf(STICKER_FILE_NAME_IN_QUERY,
for (stickerSet in stickerPackList()) {
if (identifier == {
for (sticker in stickerSet.stickers) {
3.- If you use the code of also remove the lines
if (webPImage.getFrameCount() > 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("sticker should be a static image, no animated sticker support at the moment, sticker pack identifier:" + identifier + ", filename:" + fileName); }
Verify that each animated sticker is not greater than 300Kb
Para los desarrolladores que estén preparando su aplicación para las pegatinas animadas, pueden comenzar hacerlo pero necesitan un teléfono rooteado. Indico los pasos con lo que he conseguido instalar pegatinas animadas de terceros:
1.- Asegúrese de tener un explorador de archivos que admita la raíz. Si no tiene mucha idea sobre esto, descargue el Solid Explorer File Manager desde Play Store. Ahora, cuando abra la aplicación, concédele acceso de root. Abra el Administrador de archivos y diríjase a la partición raíz. Luego vaya a Datos > Datos y navegue a la carpeta com.whatsapp . Vaya a la carpeta shared_prefs y busque el archivo com.whatsapp_preferences.xml
Ahora agregue las líneas siguientes a ese archivo xml, en cualquier lugar dentro de las etiquetas
<map> <boolean name="third_party_animated_sticker" value="true" /> </map>
- En ContentProvider agregar:
private val ANIMATED_STICKER = "animated_sticker_pack" private val STICKER_FILE_ANIMATED = "is_animated_sticker" private fun getStickerPackInfo(uri: Uri, stickerPackList: List<StickerSet>): Cursor { val cursor = MatrixCursor( arrayOf( STICKER_PACK_IDENTIFIER_IN_QUERY, STICKER_PACK_NAME_IN_QUERY, STICKER_PACK_PUBLISHER_IN_QUERY, STICKER_PACK_ICON_IN_QUERY, ANDROID_APP_DOWNLOAD_LINK_IN_QUERY, PUBLISHER_EMAIL, PUBLISHER_WEBSITE, PRIVACY_POLICY_WEBSITE, LICENSE_AGREENMENT_WEBSITE, IMAGE_DATA_VERSION, AVOID_CACHE, ANIMATED_STICKER ) ) for (stickerPack in stickerPackList) { val builder = cursor.newRow() ...................... ...................... ...................... builder.add(stickerPack.isAnimated) } cursor.setNotificationUri(Objects.requireNonNull(context).contentResolver, uri) return cursor } private fun getStickersForAStickerPack(uri: Uri): Cursor { val identifier = uri.lastPathSegment val cursor = MatrixCursor(arrayOf(STICKER_FILE_NAME_IN_QUERY, STICKER_FILE_EMOJI_IN_QUERY, STICKER_FILE_ANIMATED)) for (stickerSet in stickerPackList()) { if (identifier == { for (sticker in stickerSet.stickers) { cursor.addRow(arrayOf<Any>(sticker.fileName, sticker.emoji, sticker.isAnimated)) } } } cursor.setNotificationUri(Objects.requireNonNull(context).contentResolver, uri) return cursor }
Verificar que cada sticker animado no sea mayor a 300Kb
Please post it as English, preferable language for all.
When is the documentation going to be updated for animated stickers?
Hi Folks, we are figuring out the details on how to support animated stickers. Please stay tuned.
Hi Folks, we are figuring out the details on how to support animated stickers. Please stay tuned.
Have you tried implementing @diegulog 's method
Para los desarrolladores que estén preparando su aplicación para las pegatinas animadas, pueden comenzar hacerlo pero necesitan un teléfono rooteado. Indico los pasos con lo que he conseguido instalar pegatinas animadas de terceros:
1.- Asegúrese de tener un explorador de archivos que admita la raíz. Si no tiene mucha idea sobre esto, descargue el Solid Explorer File Manager desde Play Store. Ahora, cuando abra la aplicación, concédele acceso de root. Abra el Administrador de archivos y diríjase a la partición raíz. Luego vaya a Datos > Datos y navegue a la carpeta com.whatsapp . Vaya a la carpeta shared_prefs y busque el archivo com.whatsapp_preferences.xml
Ahora agregue las líneas siguientes a ese archivo xml, en cualquier lugar dentro de las etiquetas
<map> <boolean name="third_party_animated_sticker" value="true" /> </map>
- En ContentProvider agregar:
private val ANIMATED_STICKER = "animated_sticker_pack" private val STICKER_FILE_ANIMATED = "is_animated_sticker" private fun getStickerPackInfo(uri: Uri, stickerPackList: List<StickerSet>): Cursor { val cursor = MatrixCursor( arrayOf( STICKER_PACK_IDENTIFIER_IN_QUERY, STICKER_PACK_NAME_IN_QUERY, STICKER_PACK_PUBLISHER_IN_QUERY, STICKER_PACK_ICON_IN_QUERY, ANDROID_APP_DOWNLOAD_LINK_IN_QUERY, PUBLISHER_EMAIL, PUBLISHER_WEBSITE, PRIVACY_POLICY_WEBSITE, LICENSE_AGREENMENT_WEBSITE, IMAGE_DATA_VERSION, AVOID_CACHE, ANIMATED_STICKER ) ) for (stickerPack in stickerPackList) { val builder = cursor.newRow() ...................... ...................... ...................... builder.add(stickerPack.isAnimated) } cursor.setNotificationUri(Objects.requireNonNull(context).contentResolver, uri) return cursor } private fun getStickersForAStickerPack(uri: Uri): Cursor { val identifier = uri.lastPathSegment val cursor = MatrixCursor(arrayOf(STICKER_FILE_NAME_IN_QUERY, STICKER_FILE_EMOJI_IN_QUERY, STICKER_FILE_ANIMATED)) for (stickerSet in stickerPackList()) { if (identifier == { for (sticker in stickerSet.stickers) { cursor.addRow(arrayOf<Any>(sticker.fileName, sticker.emoji, sticker.isAnimated)) } } } cursor.setNotificationUri(Objects.requireNonNull(context).contentResolver, uri) return cursor }
Verificar que cada sticker animado no sea mayor a 300Kb
@simonzhexu I'm checking daily. :) If possible, would you share the file size and frame limits?
Can i know what file you edit about contentprovider?
can any one make a flutter plugin the ones there are not working fine. Please chat me here if you can:
# Duplicate of #653
Does anyone know any way to convert a sequence of images to animated webp? or convert gif to animated webp? (Android)
Does anyone know any way to convert a sequence of images to animated webp? or convert gif to animated webp? (Android)
My online editor is supporting gif to animated webp now, feel free to try.
Also, supports:
You can first make a sticker pack on the platform, upload your gif/png/tgs, and than download the animated webp from my editor. Or if you are lazy to compile your apk, just use my universal app to install the sticker pack:
But remember, as @diegulog said, you need to add <boolean name="third_party_animated_sticker" value="true" />
in the /data/data/com.whatsapp/com.whatsapp_preferences.xml
. Rooted Android phone only.
Does anyone know any way to convert a sequence of images to animated webp? or convert gif to animated webp? (Android)
Thanks @vincekruger @louislam . I was looking for native Android (Java/Kotlin). Do you have any idea how to do this using kotlin/java?
For developers who are preparing their application for animated stickers, they can start doing it but they need a rooted phone. I indicate the steps with which I have managed to install third-party stickers:
1.- Make sure you have a file explorer that supports the root. If you don't have much idea about this, please download the Solid Explorer File Manager from the Play Store. Now when you open the app, grant it root access. Open File Manager and go to the root partition. Then go to Data> Data and navigate to the com.whatsapp folder. Go to the shared_prefs folder and find the file com.whatsapp_preferences.xml
Now add the following lines to that xml file, anywhere inside the tags
<map> <boolean name="third_party_animated_sticker" value="true" /> </map>
- In ContentProvider add:
private val ANIMATED_STICKER = "animated_sticker_pack" private val STICKER_FILE_ANIMATED = "is_animated_sticker" private fun getStickerPackInfo(uri: Uri, stickerPackList: List<StickerSet>): Cursor { val cursor = MatrixCursor( arrayOf( ...................... ...................... ...................... IMAGE_DATA_VERSION, AVOID_CACHE, ANIMATED_STICKER ) ) for (stickerPack in stickerPackList) { val builder = cursor.newRow() ...................... ...................... ...................... builder.add(stickerPack.isAnimated) } cursor.setNotificationUri(Objects.requireNonNull(context).contentResolver, uri) return cursor } private fun getStickersForAStickerPack(uri: Uri): Cursor { val identifier = uri.lastPathSegment val cursor = MatrixCursor(arrayOf(STICKER_FILE_NAME_IN_QUERY, STICKER_FILE_EMOJI_IN_QUERY, STICKER_FILE_ANIMATED)) for (stickerSet in stickerPackList()) { if (identifier == { for (sticker in stickerSet.stickers) { cursor.addRow(arrayOf<Any>(sticker.fileName, sticker.emoji, sticker.isAnimated)) } } } cursor.setNotificationUri(Objects.requireNonNull(context).contentResolver, uri) return cursor }
3.- If you use the code of also remove the lines
if (webPImage.getFrameCount() > 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("sticker should be a static image, no animated sticker support at the moment, sticker pack identifier:" + identifier + ", filename:" + fileName); }
Verify that each animated sticker is not greater than 300Kb
where did u get this code from? it just won't work :(
@iwuaizl , just look at the WhatsApp code by unzipping the apk
public static void A1N(File file, C000700k r7, WebpUtils webpUtils) {
String absolutePath = file.getAbsolutePath();
if (webpUtils != null) {
WebpInfo verifyWebpFileIntegrity = WebpUtils.verifyWebpFileIntegrity(absolutePath);
long length = file.length() / 1024;
boolean A0S = r7.A0S(C000700k.A2m);
if (verifyWebpFileIntegrity == null) {
throw new C73113Td("sticker file might be corrupted or invalid");
} else if (verifyWebpFileIntegrity.height != 512) {
throw new C73113Td("sticker height should be 512");
} else if (verifyWebpFileIntegrity.width == 512) {
int i = verifyWebpFileIntegrity.numFrames;
if (i <= 1 || A0S) {
long j = (i <= 1 || !A0S) ? 100 : 300;
if (length > j) {
throw new C73113Td("sticker file should be less than " + j + " kB");
throw new C73113Td("animated stickers are not supported yet.");
} else {
throw new C73113Td("sticker width should be 512");
} else {
throw null;
the code is obfuscated but easily understood
public static final AnonymousClass02R A2m = A02("third_party_animated_sticker", "third_party_animated_sticker", false);
¿Alguien sabe alguna forma de convertir una secuencia de imágenes a webp animado? o convertir gif a webp animado? (Androide)
Use the library in C libwebp you can create animated webp, and then call the native functions from Java, I tried it but but it takes almost 20 seconds just to generate an animation with about 25 images, I think it's a long time if I want to create a package with 30 stickers
@iwuaizl , just look at the WhatsApp code by unzipping the apk
public static void A1N(File file, C000700k r7, WebpUtils webpUtils) { String absolutePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); if (webpUtils != null) { WebpInfo verifyWebpFileIntegrity = WebpUtils.verifyWebpFileIntegrity(absolutePath); long length = file.length() / 1024; boolean A0S = r7.A0S(C000700k.A2m); if (verifyWebpFileIntegrity == null) { throw new C73113Td("sticker file might be corrupted or invalid"); } else if (verifyWebpFileIntegrity.height != 512) { throw new C73113Td("sticker height should be 512"); } else if (verifyWebpFileIntegrity.width == 512) { int i = verifyWebpFileIntegrity.numFrames; if (i <= 1 || A0S) { long j = (i <= 1 || !A0S) ? 100 : 300; if (length > j) { throw new C73113Td("sticker file should be less than " + j + " kB"); } return; } throw new C73113Td("animated stickers are not supported yet."); } else { throw new C73113Td("sticker width should be 512"); } } else { throw null; } }
the code is obfuscated but easily understood
public static final AnonymousClass02R A2m = A02("third_party_animated_sticker", "third_party_animated_sticker", false);
i managed to get something working, but i can only make a working app with 1 sticker that I had previously received (cloned because of 3 stickers minimum) the stickers i made were less than 300kb, less than 24fps (even one was 15fps), i tried with 3s and 1.5s duration and nothing worked. Also tried with and without alpha channel, i just dont know how to make it work for my own stickers :(
edit: also stickers were 512x512
@simonzhexu any news on the feature?
Any Update ?
Hi Guys, we are getting close to have an update. It is impressive what you guys did to figure things out. I would recommend wait until we have official guidelines. Hope we will have news for you in the next 1-2 weeks. Sorry for moving slow, we are a small team.
will there be any significant changes on stucture/code to make them work? especially those json stuff
Hi Guys, we are getting close to have an update. It is impressive what you guys did to figure things out. I would recommend wait until we have official guidelines. Hope we will have news for you in the next 1-2 weeks. Sorry for moving slow, we are a small team.
Why didn't they try to show lottie-type animations since they take up very little space, for example, an animation with 180 frames is barely 20 kb, if instead it passed those animations to webp with a very low quality, it weighs almost 4 Mb. The only option to we have is to remove frames but the animation no longer looks so spectacular. What a pity.
Hi We are aware of Lottie. There are a lot of benefits with Lottie. But we have limitations that I would prefer to keep it private. Thanks for suggestion.
Hi We are aware of Lottie. There are a lot of benefits with Lottie. But we have limitations that I would prefer to keep it private. Thanks for suggestion.
Hello, are you planning to program a new version of the app for animated stickers, or will it be the same application as traditional stickers but which support animated ones? I'll appreciate your answer.
We will use this sample app, and expand to allow animated stickers.
Hi We are aware of Lottie. There are a lot of benefits with Lottie. But we have limitations that I would prefer to keep it private. Thanks for suggestion.
Hello, are you planning to program a new version of the app for animated stickers, or will it be the same application as traditional stickers but which support animated ones? I'll appreciate your answer.
We will use this sample app, and expand to allow animated stickers.
Hi We are aware of Lottie. There are a lot of benefits with Lottie. But we have limitations that I would prefer to keep it private. Thanks for suggestion.
Hello, are you planning to program a new version of the app for animated stickers, or will it be the same application as traditional stickers but which support animated ones? I'll appreciate your answer.
Thank you very much for informing us. Are you working on some kind of compression and optimization for animated stickers? I have noticed that on "medium" quality smartphones the 200kb ~ stickers are displayed with a certain "lag".
Hi Guys, we are getting close to have an update. It is impressive what you guys did to figure things out. I would recommend wait until we have official guidelines. Hope we will have news for you in the next 1-2 weeks. Sorry for moving slow, we are a small team.
Any update ?
Does anyone know any way to convert a sequence of images to animated webp? or convert gif to animated webp? (Android)
My online editor is supporting gif to animated webp now, feel free to try.
Also, supports:
- Animated telegram stickers (*.tgs) to animated webp
- Animated PNG (*.png) to animated webp
You can first make a sticker pack on the platform, upload your gif/png/tgs, and than download the animated webp from my editor. Or if you are lazy to compile your apk, just use my universal app to install the sticker pack:
But remember, as @diegulog said, you need to add
<boolean name="third_party_animated_sticker" value="true" />
in the/data/data/com.whatsapp/com.whatsapp_preferences.xml
. Rooted Android phone only.
bro can you please make a flutter plugin that does this ? @louislam
We will use this sample app, and expand to allow animated stickers.
Hi We are aware of Lottie. There are a lot of benefits with Lottie. But we have limitations that I would prefer to keep it private. Thanks for suggestion.
Hello, are you planning to program a new version of the app for animated stickers, or will it be the same application as traditional stickers but which support animated ones? I'll appreciate your answer.
will this also be implemented in the current flutter plugin
Hi Guys, we are getting close to have an update. It is impressive what you guys did to figure things out. I would recommend wait until we have official guidelines. Hope we will have news for you in the next 1-2 weeks. Sorry for moving slow, we are a small team.
it is already 2wks
3 weeks ago I am waiting to launch my application with the new update of animated stickers, they are asking me for it. And 2 weeks ago they warned that it would be launched. I would appreciate it if you please allow access to update our application.
Hola chicos, nos estamos acercando para tener una actualización. Es impresionante lo que hicieron para resolver las cosas. Recomendaría esperar hasta que tengamos pautas oficiales. Espero tener noticias para usted en las próximas 1-2 semanas. Perdón por avanzar despacio, somos un equipo pequeño.
How long will they keep us without updates?
Hi @simonzhexu we understand the delay, we hope to see the update soon
Hi @simonzhexu we understand the delay, we hope to see the update very soon!
Any news?
Can i get the code
On Wed, 12 Aug 2020, 11:36 am Ferdari, wrote:
Any news?
— You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe .
Can i get the code … On Wed, 12 Aug 2020, 11:36 am Ferdari, @.***> wrote: Any news? — You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub <#661 (comment)>, or unsubscribe .
What code? is still under development, check the @simonzhexu replies.
Oh sorry i saw it now
On Fri, 14 Aug 2020, 8:20 pm Ferdari, wrote:
Can i get the code … <#m-2341835791434342021> On Wed, 12 Aug 2020, 11:36 am Ferdari, @.***> wrote: Any news? — You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub <#661 (comment)>, or unsubscribe .
What code? is still under development, check the @simonzhexu replies.
— You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe .
Hey guys, I want to ask for help here. Do you know a good tool to create animated webp file from a series of images? I tried EZGif (, Webp Animator on Mac(, but none of them are good enough.
What I am currently using is, but it is script based, and too hard for the general public.
Hola chicos, quiero pedir ayuda aquí. ¿Conoce una buena herramienta para crear archivos webp animados a partir de una serie de imágenes? Probé EZGif ( ), Webp Animator en Mac ( ), pero ninguno de ellos son lo suficientemente buenos.
Lo que estoy usando actualmente es , pero se basa en un script y es demasiado difícil para el público en general.
Hi, sorry for the inconvenience, haven't you finished with the template for the animated stickers yet? Or do they already have it and are waiting for an indicated date? Thank you
And to provide an update here. We have defined the guidelines, but we are waiting for the app to roll out. Expect to hear from us next week. I would like to figure out how to make it easy for developers to create animated webp files.
Hola chicos, quiero pedir ayuda aquí. ¿Conoce una buena herramienta para crear archivos webp animados a partir de una serie de imágenes? Probé EZGif ( ), Webp Animator en Mac ( ), pero ninguno de ellos son lo suficientemente buenos. Lo que estoy usando actualmente es , pero se basa en un script y es demasiado difícil para el público en general.
Hi, sorry for the inconvenience, haven't you finished with the template for the animated stickers yet? Or do they already have it and are waiting for an indicated date? Thank you
We will make an announcement next week and then you guys can start creating apps with animated stickers.
And to provide an update here. We have defined the guidelines, but we are waiting for the app to roll out. Expect to hear from us next week. I would like to figure out how to make it easy for developers to create animated webp files.
sorry, just one last query. It has been said that the stickers will have a maximum weight of 300kb, is that true? I already have my own animated stickers with an average weight of 250kb, that's why I ask. Thank you!
And to provide an update here. We have defined the guidelines, but we are waiting for the app to roll out. Expect to hear from us next week. I would like to figure out how to make it easy for developers to create animated webp files.
sorry, just one last query. It has been said that the stickers will have a maximum weight of 300kb, is that true? I already have my own animated stickers with an average weight of 250kb, that's why I ask. Thank you!
@devfredoom That's right, 300KB maximum for animated sticker and 100KB for normal sticker.
And to provide an update here. We have defined the guidelines, but we are waiting for the app to roll out. Expect to hear from us next week. I would like to figure out how to make it easy for developers to create animated webp files.
sorry, just one last query. It has been said that the stickers will have a maximum weight of 300kb, is that true? I already have my own animated stickers with an average weight of 250kb, that's why I ask. Thank you!
@devfredoom That's right, 300KB maximum for animated sticker and 100KB for normal sticker.
but where did you get that code related to 300 KB limitation?
Hola chicos, quiero pedir ayuda aquí. ¿Conoce una buena herramienta para crear archivos webp animados a partir de una serie de imágenes? Probé EZGif ( ), Webp Animator en Mac ( ), pero ninguno de ellos son lo suficientemente buenos.
Lo que estoy usando actualmente es , pero se basa en un script y es demasiado difícil para el público en general.
I have been using and it has given me a moving image with less than 100kb at an acceptable resolution, because I optimize the gif, then I pass it to webp and re-optimize the webp file.
Y para proporcionar una actualización aquí. Hemos definido las pautas, pero estamos esperando a que se despliegue la aplicación. Espere tener noticias nuestras la próxima semana. Me gustaría descubrir cómo facilitar a los desarrolladores la creación de archivos webp animados.
lo siento, solo una última consulta. Se ha dicho que las pegatinas tendrán un peso máximo de 300kb, ¿es cierto? Ya tengo mis propias pegatinas animadas con un peso medio de 250kb, por eso pregunto. ¡Gracias!
@devfredoom Así es, 300 KB como máximo para calcomanías animadas y 100 KB para calcomanías normales.
This is the previous code, and we are looking for the new code for the animated stickers, we need answers of the weight, whatever it is, I already have the packages available (1.1MB the pack of 30 stickers, 70-100 kb each file)
Y para proporcionar una actualización aquí. Hemos definido las pautas, pero estamos esperando a que se despliegue la aplicación. Espere tener noticias nuestras la próxima semana. Me gustaría descubrir cómo facilitar a los desarrolladores la creación de archivos webp animados.
lo siento, solo una última consulta. Se ha dicho que las pegatinas tendrán un peso máximo de 300kb, ¿es cierto? Ya tengo mis propias pegatinas animadas con un peso medio de 250kb, por eso pregunto. ¡Gracias!
@devfredoom Así es, 300 KB como máximo para calcomanías animadas y 100 KB para calcomanías normales.
This is the previous code, and we are looking for the new code for the animated stickers, we need answers of the weight, whatever it is, I already have the packages available (1.1MB the pack of 30 stickers, 70-100 kb each file)
I think it will be 300kb as the limit, it makes sense ... the animated stickers have an average of 150 / 250kb with acceptable quality and frames
HOW DO I ENABLE SUPPORT TO ADD ANIMATED STICKERS Animated stickers are enabled on whatsapp, but the app still doesn't allow me to add them