WhatsApp / stickers

This repository contains the iOS and Android sample apps and API for creating third party sticker packs for WhatsApp.
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PackValidator, iOS AppStore domain #744

Open thisIsTheFoxe opened 3 years ago

thisIsTheFoxe commented 3 years ago

https://github.com/WhatsApp/stickers/blob/94ecae8394775056857f3450cb52222ae36b93a3/Android/app/src/main/java/com/example/samplestickerapp/StickerPackValidator.java#L45 https://github.com/WhatsApp/stickers/blob/94ecae8394775056857f3450cb52222ae36b93a3/Android/app/src/main/java/com/example/samplestickerapp/StickerPackValidator.java#L84

Is there a specific reason it requires an itunes.apple.com domain? Afaik, the correct way to link an iOS app is via the apps.apple.com domain. And yes, it is still working and will give you an HTTP/2 301 redirect to apps.apple.com. But then again, why use the redirect when you could just use the normal address right away?

simonzhexu commented 3 years ago

Will fix.

MarsVard commented 3 years ago

To be fair, both domains should be accepted.

simonzhexu commented 3 years ago


To be fair, both domains should be accepted.

simonzhexu commented 3 years ago

I think we need to first fix WhatsApp to accept both domains, then after most clients upgrade, then change the domain on this repo, otherwise, WhatsApp will reject apps.apple.com

This process would probably take 3 months, in the meantime, I ask you bear with the incorrectness. Sorry.

simonzhexu commented 3 years ago

I think the domain was itunes.apple.com, but then changed to apps.apple.com.