I would like to make a humble request for an example of how to bootstrap a WARaft cluster with more than one node.
I have tried to start a cluster with Erlang nodes that are connected, and I have included the node names in the WARaft configuration when starting, but it did not seem to work. I have tried to use the adjust_membership command to add nodes but it does not seem to change anything either. Maybe I'll figure it out on my own eventually... If there is any documentation that says how, then I'm very sorry that I've been unable to find it.
I would like to make a humble request for an example of how to bootstrap a WARaft cluster with more than one node.
I have tried to start a cluster with Erlang nodes that are connected, and I have included the node names in the WARaft configuration when starting, but it did not seem to work. I have tried to use the adjust_membership command to add nodes but it does not seem to change anything either. Maybe I'll figure it out on my own eventually... If there is any documentation that says how, then I'm very sorry that I've been unable to find it.
I hope this not is the wrong place to ask.
Thank you so much for your help in advance.