Wheelchair2 / World-Of-Gensokyo-Touhou-Mod

A ruleset Touhou mod that takes place in a fantasy world called 'Gensokyo' where anything can exist, from yōkais to vampires, and even from fairies to Gods, heavily based on Japanese mythology. (このMODを使ってゲームを始めることで、日本語翻訳が適用されるようになります。)
19 stars 3 forks source link

Create FantasyHex.json #10

Closed hachchch closed 6 months ago

hachchch commented 6 months ago

Hello, after last my Hexarealms update, The error "Mod has no configuration for tileset grafics: FantasyHex" appears. I have to sorry about that. It seems I forget to add FantasyHex.json in "Tilesets" folder. There is no bug without it, but it seems to be detected as an error.

Wheelchair2 commented 6 months ago

I see I see. Thanks again!