Wheelchair2 / World-Of-Gensokyo-Touhou-Mod

A ruleset Touhou mod that takes place in a fantasy world called 'Gensokyo' where anything can exist, from yōkais to vampires, and even from fairies to Gods, heavily based on Japanese mythology. (このMODを使ってゲームを始めることで、日本語翻訳が適用されるようになります。)
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Promotion Card Issues #19

Closed sls1005 closed 2 days ago

sls1005 commented 3 days ago

I found some issues related with ability cards that will grant special promotions, including:

  1. Only newly trained (and possibly those gifted by city-states or captured-after-killed) units will gain the promotion, while already-existing units are unaffected. I'm not sure if this is an intended behavior or a bug of the game itself (not the mod). There's another unique, called All newly-trained [baseUnitFilter] units [cityFilter] receive the [promotion] promotion, and they might have mistaken one for another.

  2. Although it's stated that a unit will lose such a promotion when the player loses the card, it actually doesn't happen, and the unit still has the promotion even after the card is lost. A probable reason for this is that when is not a trigger condition; it validates the action but not triggers it. This can be fixed by adding a trigger condition to it. For example, This Unit loses the [promotion] promotion <upon turn end> <when below [1] [card]>. This will make it check every turn. (Not tested)

  3. The Card - Screen Border promotion makes the unit lose Phantasm, which will cause the unit to permanently lose its own ability (if working correctly). To avoid this, we can instead make Phantasm negate its own effect while the unit also has Card - Screen Border, by changing Phantasm's ability to May Paradrop up to [4] tiles from inside friendly territory <if it hasn't used other actions yet> <for units without [Card - Screen Border]>. (Not tested)

  4. Card - Smelt's Scales's description is a little confusing. I believe one of the rules of the game is that embarked Melee units can attack but with less strength. This card's effect possibly negates the strength penalty. Also, there seems to be misspelling in its description, as on-ship units in the game are usually referred to as "embarked," while "embarking" seems to refer to those who are going onto the ship.

Wheelchair2 commented 2 days ago

Wow... Is this account really a bot? If so, good bot headpat headpat You've been really helpful