Wheelchair2 / World-Of-Gensokyo-Touhou-Mod

A ruleset Touhou mod that takes place in a fantasy world called 'Gensokyo' where anything can exist, from yōkais to vampires, and even from fairies to Gods, heavily based on Japanese mythology. (このMODを使ってゲームを始めることで、日本語翻訳が適用されるようになります。)
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My Idea of Ability Cards #4

Closed hachchch closed 8 months ago

hachchch commented 9 months ago

There are some characters whose ability cards have not yet appeared in the original work, so I'm thinking about balance, The buffs on the cards should not be that big. But, there is no doubt that countries that have a lot of cards are strong.

Wheelchair2 commented 8 months ago

Really a brilliant idea, you're carrying the mod at this point lol Also the repository has an Images folder now

Wheelchair2 commented 8 months ago

There are some characters whose ability cards have not yet appeared in the original work, so I'm thinking about balance, The buffs on the cards should not be that big. But, there is no doubt that countries that have a lot of cards are strong.

Yeah they would surely be, but I think that's just the nature of the system. It can be exploited, although the player could exploit it better than the AI, as long as there's no way to influence the value of cards other than being a luxury, it'll stay unbalanced So I guess it's fine, some nations are already unbalanced anyway lol (especially the new ones)