Wheelchair2 / World-Of-Gensokyo-Touhou-Mod

A ruleset Touhou mod that takes place in a fantasy world called 'Gensokyo' where anything can exist, from yōkais to vampires, and even from fairies to Gods, heavily based on Japanese mythology. (このMODを使ってゲームを始めることで、日本語翻訳が適用されるようになります。)
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Fix Hexarealms, And Map editer problem #9

Closed hachchch closed 6 months ago

hachchch commented 6 months ago

As the title says, I fixed my Hexarealm Problems, and Some Problem in map editer. And I made the Blank Card available for replacement only in Beneath the Rainbow. So it is Chimata who will benefit from the trade of Blank Cards, none can escape from the hands of God!

Wheelchair2 commented 6 months ago

Brilliant idea! Tenkyuu!