I am working on an Arduino library that reads data from wheels, using some of this excellent code as a reference for my c++ code.
I personally have a new (late 2022) MTen3, and the raw data stream that I see from my device is slightly different from that in the comments at the bottom of the Gotway Adapter.
Frames now come in varying lengths.
Frame A is sometimes longer with 4 additional data bytes (?) from buffer[20..22].
Frame B is sometimes longer, but just with additional filler bytes in the footer.
It looks like the data is backwards compatible, because buffer[00..18] are the same as before. However, the WheelLog code will discard the longer Frame A packets completely because of the footer check.
Not sure if it makes a difference, but data is received in alternating packets of 20 and then 8 bytes (20, 8, 20, 8, 20, 8, 20, 8 etc)
Here are the different frames (with markup for visibility):
Hi there,
I am working on an Arduino library that reads data from wheels, using some of this excellent code as a reference for my c++ code.
I personally have a new (late 2022) MTen3, and the raw data stream that I see from my device is slightly different from that in the comments at the bottom of the Gotway Adapter.
Frames now come in varying lengths.
.It looks like the data is backwards compatible, because
are the same as before. However, the WheelLog code will discard the longer Frame A packets completely because of the footer check.Not sure if it makes a difference, but data is received in alternating packets of 20 and then 8 bytes (20, 8, 20, 8, 20, 8, 20, 8 etc)
Here are the different frames (with markup for visibility):
Once I have my code in a better state, I will help decode what the additional data might be! But in the meantime, just a heads-up :)
Some raw data from my wheel (just sitting still beside my desk):
Here is some raw data, but in the 20/8 format that is is actually received: