Displaying pages of text representing character dialogue on the screen
Triggering the display of that text
Having a generic way of inputting character dialogue into the game
The player should be able to
Clearly view the text at an appropriate font size
View a given "page" of text for as long as desired
Proceed to the next page of text on demand
Developers should be able to
Input a dialogue sequence, separated by some special character
## Acceptance criteria / User Stories
Define what acceptance criteria, and list sub stories.
This will be considered complete when a given action (it can be mapped to a keypress/button click for now) can trigger a dialogue menu to appear with the character's name and their line of text. A keypress should further advance the text
### Stories
- [ ] Dialogue UI text boxes - #33
- [ ] Dialogue Manager/Trigger - #34
- [ ] Dialogue editor element for bulk insert #35
- [ ] Track "in-dialogue" state on character #53
## Timeline
This can't _fully_ complete until character interaction is done, but until then, dialogue can be tested and triggered via key/button press
## Prioritisation / Product value
This one is high priority for this sprint, as the writing team will start supplying us with dialogue pretty soon.
This Epic covers all issues related to
The player should be able to
Developers should be able to