Wheeze201 / Luftahraan

DLC-sized mod for Skyrim
4 stars 1 forks source link


Closed Wheeze201 closed 9 years ago

Wheeze201 commented 9 years ago


Its weird if I do it but gogogo vote! :D

Yurtex commented 9 years ago

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EsfvRXnzaXoibHiD8L6YuzvfLm8Wswe0uXkgS8I9pVg/edit?pli=1#gid=1612498734 My little contribution.

Yurtex commented 9 years ago

From the Comments: All the entries had positive features, but I was looking for creativity and uniqueness above all. Usefulness was second. Some could not be tested because they are incompatible with other mods (namely Clearsky Hideout). Haafinheim stands out as one that is expertly constructed, but otherwise bland, just like the Luftahraan mod from the same authors. Kind of the Toyota Camry of the group. In comparison, Palidell would be the Dodge Charger Hellcat--700 horsepower of thumpin' muscle, great but unrefined. Stratos is the Porsche Panamera supercharged V-8: power, refinement, and one of a kind.


Wheeze201 commented 9 years ago

Luftahraan isn't even out yet how can he say it's bland? wtf.

Yurtex commented 9 years ago

Luftahraan is Toyota Camry Wroom Wroom. I bet he just a kid who constantly wants COD style explosions or supernatural magical abilities. While Luft tries to blend it self into Skyrim. Which is good IMO

MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

i read that yurtex.....hes a dick

MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

http://puu.sh/gB7IW/1893349b05.png officially hate her again...

Wheeze201 commented 9 years ago

some more drama haha

EDIT: Post being removed already lol

Wheeze201 commented 9 years ago

DELICIOUS DRAMA eats popcorn

Wheeze201 commented 9 years ago


MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

PAHAAHA love it

Matt-101 commented 9 years ago

"I only care about pretty and useful stuff, quests and stuff are (unfortunately) irrelevant to me when it comes to player homes." TRANSLATION "I really don't want to vote for Haafinheim because I know its got a good chance of beating me and as a modder I can tell its probably the best, so I need a good excuse not to vote for it because I'm desperate to win even though I said I was gonna disqualify myself LEL XD :P" I know I bash on her too much but dammit she needs to pull her head out of her own arse.

Wheeze201 commented 9 years ago

Then I guess her little follower is pretty irrelevant huh?

Matt-101 commented 9 years ago

EXACTLY?! It's like the most hypocritical thing ever... Also wheeze you should ask that guy how he knows that the Luftahraan mod is "bland" as its never even been released to the public apart from the teasers, which if he tries to argue Heimfeigr is bland, he is either an idiot, or again trying to find a reason not to vote...

MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago


MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

i dont get why people keep praising the orc one, it has no clutter

Wheeze201 commented 9 years ago

the orc one is really fucking bad lol

Matt-101 commented 9 years ago

The way she put "quests and stuff" is really boiling my blood the more I think about it. That's a direct reference to our mod, as (correct me if I'm wrong) we were the only team to have a quest as part of our mod, except of course her "oh hey, here have my house" quest. Even if you don't like the quest you can't put down the house itself. Being the person who (at least to my memory) pushed for the quest when we started the project, that's really got under my skin.

MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

the dwemer house she voted for had a quest

Matt-101 commented 9 years ago

"the dwemer house she voted for had a quest" Now I'm fuming. I've gotta go look at some crocs to calm myself down....

Wheeze201 commented 9 years ago

which one, clearsky?

MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

stratos wheeze, haafhiem certainly didnt really have any gimick things sure that could make it seem dull whatever we get that but it certainly was the prettiest house

Matt-101 commented 9 years ago

Did you end up voting wheeze?

MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

vote haafhiem matt

Matt-101 commented 9 years ago

oh of course Morgan, I'm just debating whether to test any other, or just vote off what I saw on wheeze's stream - if so probably snowdrift and bear place

Wheeze201 commented 9 years ago

She voted for fucking stratos? Is she autistic?

MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

http://puu.sh/gCR0M/5a3805b79d.png how the hell is it average, its one of like 3 houses thats not a copy of something and not a modeled interior

Matt-101 commented 9 years ago

wheeze, she's either autsitic, blind, or just voting for anything that isn't Haafinheim. "Never seen a good floating house before. Ingenious design, incredible clutter (Elianora approved Feng Shui) and.. CUSHIONS. ALWAYS USE CUSHIONS!" - is what she said about stratos...

Matt-101 commented 9 years ago

that said, I imaging its quite hard to judge houses with your head up your own ass...

MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago


MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

we should have a group session on the player home in luft, so it can be fantastic and we wont have to rush for a deadline that time

Wheeze201 commented 9 years ago

Just voted, wall of text lol.

Wheeze201 commented 9 years ago

Matt you're gonna hate me

MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

you should of voted a different mod to spite her and said that you were voting for mods that need it mor e

Wheeze201 commented 9 years ago

Nah, I'm spiting her in a politically correct way by actually voting for her. It's all just MIND GAMES <.< >.> <.<

Matt-101 commented 9 years ago

Eh well, at least you can take the moral high-ground as you didnt exclude her mod from your voting like she did... Also why are they all bullet pointed "1." for me :S

Wheeze201 commented 9 years ago

Looks like this for me: http://puu.sh/gCSfF/ae53c189cd.png

Matt-101 commented 9 years ago

yeah, shouldnt it be 1. 2. 3. not 1. 1. 1. ?

Matt-101 commented 9 years ago

Like its obvious to anyone with >3 brain cells which order you're voting them in, but seems a bit odd don't you think?

Yurtex commented 9 years ago


MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

we're bitches i like it

Wheeze201 commented 9 years ago

yeah it was just the way reddit formats lists. Fixed it.

Matt-101 commented 9 years ago

Ah right lol, Thought it was weird :S

Wheeze201 commented 9 years ago

oh cool your name isn't matt on reddit, more votes for haafinheim :D

Matt-101 commented 9 years ago

Hell yeah :D

Wheeze201 commented 9 years ago

This guy replied to my vote:

He is literally saying that his own mod is awesome...

Wheeze201 commented 9 years ago

http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58523/?tab=3&selected_game=110&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fid%3D58523%26user%3D2%26gid%3D110&pUp=1 this is the "Discworld" he was talking about.

Just wow...

Matt-101 commented 9 years ago

"Discworld"..... hold on, I just blew my 100 WAT lightbulb

Wheeze201 commented 9 years ago

I believe it

Soleman1989 commented 9 years ago

/pokes head in

Ah, internet drama.

/promptly leaves

Wheeze201 commented 9 years ago

@Soleman1989 It's nothing serious though. I just love stupid drama like this lol