Wheeze201 / Luftahraan

DLC-sized mod for Skyrim
4 stars 1 forks source link

Akha concept art insiration #106

Closed MorganRobinson closed 9 years ago

MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

i collected a bunch of images, dont think you have to do them all i just collected a bunch so you can pic and choose.

when you pick something to do just ask me if you want to go indepth i love doing this kinda stuff i wouldn't mind.

https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B4X3FmiHnLWxcVROVTFvSEFkNmM&usp=sharing inspiration folder

Marketplace http://puu.sh/gBOhw/0f92d17f20.jpg http://puu.sh/gBODZ/399b1c97dc.jpg so i was thinking of a Parisian theme with cafe styled bottoms but with with the syled of the tall house you did, i had a thought of having faces being a motif around the city so the sovereign has an eye on you sort of literally . yeah this place should be lively and pretty its the center of trade and therefor look atractive and slightly intimidating the area should be tired so it has a bunch of levels of flooring so its not flat .

docks http://puu.sh/gBOGM/a01b9d93b5.jpg poor area very nordic buildings in contrast to the french interiors city. had the idea of there being a ship being built so could have a ships skeleton in the art

rich area http://puu.sh/gBO7k/96f2f4a7cb.jpg this is were all the mansion should be incredibly rich with lots of decorative things and banners look out area and gardens should fit with the market place but have the buildings also keep to the style of the keep slightly

bridge http://puu.sh/gBO94/a5ef8bbe1c.jpg this bridge connects to the rich rea so it should look pretty, it will apparently connect to the docks aswell near the dwmer tower

dwemer tower http://puu.sh/gBOsm/5021e54f40.jpg this is the focal point in the city and therfor should be unique but still very dwemer

statues and murals , may need to ask arrkash on lore but basic ones wouldnt hurt

arkaash murals very snake like

gatehouse forgot to take pic the first part of the city itself should be intimidating maybe have that face motif ala http://puu.sh/gs1rj/fba37ac324.jpg maybe have a house in the middle on top like the tall house style

noble clothing, very angular and haute couture decorative, high collars for women angular shoulders for men but with nice sashes/robe parts like http://puu.sh/gC0ce/6814095520.jpg

Akha444 commented 9 years ago

I'll definitely check these out. Very helpful!

MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

https://www.flickr.com/photos/47857688@N08/sets/72157629321466509/ all of adams work

MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago


Doublefelix commented 9 years ago


Wheeze201 commented 9 years ago

Took a bunch of screenshots of dwemer dungeons for personal level design inspiration: http://imgur.com/a/bkYL5#0

MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

http://imgur.com/a/6ewhf sovereign garden low priority