Wheeze201 / Luftahraan

DLC-sized mod for Skyrim
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Archon conversation thread #108

Closed Yoppish closed 9 years ago

Yoppish commented 9 years ago

I've noticed that the house mode issue has become a big ole chat room for everybody here and i thought that was pretty cool so i thought that i would make an "issue" were we all could just chat and talk about whatever as friends and stuff. I'll start, Im pretty pumped to play some smash today with my bro with the new smash themed gamecube controller we bought.

MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

oh awsome

Yurtex commented 9 years ago

Post photos

Yoppish commented 9 years ago

No way of doing so so ill just link an image i found on google


Doublefelix commented 9 years ago

I love the idea of this thread and would like to help keep it going :) Unfortunately Im not good with casual talk, so instead I got a request for suggestions, and sorry in advance for lenghty post:

It's well over an year until my Magister degree project, but I'm collecting ideas for it already to start earlier than bachelor project ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iI-2hdMsfc (I was applying with this to Archon :D )). Im going to make new environment approx. the size of one in this video, but as a playable demo (no gameplay, simply walking) instead of just footage. I dont have many ideas what exactly to make though :P. I know I want to take skyrim flora overhaul as direct reference in making awesome natural scenery (nature assets on previous project kinda dissapointed me so I will try to make my own). If you have ideas what this new environment could contain, or have better idea for a one-man project please share your thoughts : ).

PS Akha's been making cute attempts at modeling, he's picking up from my style and I've been giving him some tips, I feel like a sensei ^ ^

Arkaash commented 9 years ago

You should make one of these, Felix! Then we can use it as a castle in our next project :D



MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

if you need castle pics i linked a subreddit in the skyrim art folder issue on github

Doublefelix commented 9 years ago

Yeah, a small castle would be great : ) But I would propably make one just for a distant view. I already made a castle for bachelor project and dont want to feel to reduntant as most possibly the same people will be reviewing my work for magister degree. I know for sure I want to make nature themed project with a healthy dose of medieval architecture, and that alone makes the bachelor and magister projects quite similiar : P. So I'm looking for ideas to make them more different.

Yoppish commented 9 years ago

What about some kind of ancient glade kinda like the the eldergleem place in skyrim. I always thought places like that were really pretty because they always felt like it was a place were time moved slower then the rest of the world and you had stepped into a little piece of the past. While i couldn't find any good reference pics for it i can say a few things that come to mind when i think of one. A thick forest all around covered in an impenetrable otherworldly fog except for the small entrance cave which is covered by a waterfall that seems to fall from some source in the heavens flowing into a lake into the center, and all around this place would be wildlife foreign to the rest of the world both flora and animal alike and perhaps nestled in the center of the lake would be a shrine to some forgotten deity.

Doublefelix commented 9 years ago

Nice suggestion Yoppish. I remember Alan Wake has some amazing fog, I wonder how it was achieved. I wonder if something like eldergleam is realistically possible, then I would definetly consider it, I can already picture what it would look like. As for waterfalls, I will avoid making any, in Cryenigne which I will be most likely using, waterfalls are difficult to make (not impossible, but they're a lot of hassle). I will most likely also refrain from making animals, unless I find some good free to use models online and animations (I can specify that animals werent my creation and were included just as an extra). A shrine also sounds awesome : D

MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

how about a ruidnt temple in a forest you got flora, and architecture...think about light coming from a large stained glass window

Doublefelix commented 9 years ago

Im planning on having a small ruined tower. The whole demo would start inside the ruins to showoff some basic stone architectural environment. Holes in the tower walls would hint at a bigger world outside. Finally upon exiting the tower, the world would be shown in its full glory, a starking contrast of wide open area to previously tightly contained ruins. It is cliche a bit (every second game uses this "traverse small corridor to exit into glorious landscape") but effective. The reason ruins are a tower is to make them easier to spot as later at the end of the demo I will want to have them visible in distance to show a reference of distance player has traveled from start to end point (another video game cliche).

Doublefelix commented 9 years ago

Pillars of Eternity is awesome. It's like Baldur's Gate all over again but with more text and definetly more interesting team members. On the flipside, the game lacks a cool villain like Sarevok was (the intro to BG still gives me goosebumps). Also the dialog is constructed in such a way that you need a lot of knowledge about the lore to understand everything, even in simple conversations. What I mean is that npcs throw out foreign and weird sounding names, exposition that tells you absolutely nothing. Forgotten Realms in BG were hardly a new setting, and it was still designed in such a way that you didnt need any information about it beforehand to know whats going on. Not so much in Pillars for which being a new franchise its a big oversight. But thats all negatives I can think of right now, so back to positives. The combat is great, it demands attention and thought. You need every tool at your disposal, every skill to win some of the battles and Im playing at lowest difficulty so yeah. Strategy is super important, often I failed numerous times in a fight to come out perfectly victorious by starting it from a different angle, with different tactics. There is a lot of classes , each having slightly different mechanics so there is a lot to master. So far Bards are most interesting I think, composing songs beforehand for various bonuses. As stated earlier companions are fun, not Bioware quality but they do have personalities and quirks.

..Anywas just writing my thoughts on a cool game as Im being super bored at college : P

Arkaash commented 9 years ago

I was starting to think everyone had died recently...

I can't decide if I want to get Pillars of Eternity or not. I like games with interesting stories obviously and it's the sort of thing I really ought to enjoy since I play things like D&D pretty often, but I have way too much gaming OCD for it to actually work... I tend to spend hours talking to every NPC and exhausting all dialogue options and looking in every building for every loot item before actually doing anything, and that usually ends up with me getting bored before I even start playing the game properly. Which sucks because if I stopped myself doing that I'd probably really enjoy the game.

MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

yeah i'd like to play pillars but it looks too old for me, :( why cant they make a game thats inspired but not copy the isometric view

tempus123a commented 9 years ago

Here are a couple of Dock Cranes for re-texture and conversion. I believe akha offered to do the retexture.

On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 8:01 AM, MorganRobinson notifications@github.com wrote:

yeah i'd like to play pillars but it looks too old for me, :( why cant they make a game thats inspired but not copy the isometric view

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/Wheeze201/Luftahraan/issues/108#issuecomment-87225407 .

Arkaash commented 9 years ago

Am I just being silly or did you not attach anything to that post, Tempus?

tempus123a commented 9 years ago

It shows I did here hmmm maybe I need to do it elsewhere

On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 9:44 AM, Arkaash notifications@github.com wrote:

Am I just being silly or did you not attach anything to that post, Tempus?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/Wheeze201/Luftahraan/issues/108#issuecomment-87238611 .

Doublefelix commented 9 years ago

Well I can't comment on the story Arkaash, as I only scratched the surface of it. About the hours spent on doing everything, I symphatize having similiar problem as well. That's why I passionately hate the mmorpg'ness of Dragon Age Inquisition which throws 20 unimaginative fetch quests every time I get to a new area. Exploration is important part of that game but I dread it so much because of fear for overblowing my quest journal which is taunting me every moment to clear it. Worse yet, the game won't allow me to progress main story unless I do some of those incredibly dull fetch quests to gain necessary exp and Influence. But back to Pillars, this problem isn't so prevalent here. So far I have only been given three short side quests, much more interesting than DAI ones (but nothing incredible about them either, which is saying a lot about DAI).

Arkaash commented 9 years ago

Yup, I stopped playing DAI because of that.... I got to the first major area and then spent 6 hours clearing all the crappy fetch quests in the bottom right corner of the map... finally sorted it and moved toward another section only to get another crap-tonne of quests for the area I thought I'd already cleared, not to mention all of the other quests for the rest of the map... it was just way too much and I gave up.

I might give pillars a go, though, if that isn't as much of an issue.

Yoppish commented 9 years ago

I played some DA:I recently myself but for some reason after the first major arc in the story i just felt tiered and quit so in its place ive been going back through an old favorite. That is to say Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door i absolutly love that game even if it starts a little slow. also on the side ive been playing project diva and HDN on my vita

MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

aww i love paper mario!

AntlerOwl commented 9 years ago

Bloodborne, all I'm saying

MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

is it like darksouls if so i dont think i'd play it

AntlerOwl commented 9 years ago

It's very much like Dark Souls. But different, much faster. Also as good. Mmmm yes Bloodborne

MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

yeah im not really good at darksouls i find it too hard

Doublefelix commented 9 years ago

Damn I wish I had PS4 to enjoy some good Bloodborne. Hmm maybe I should go to UK or Wales and get someone's job to afford it : P Hmmmmmm...

AntlerOwl commented 9 years ago


On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 10:11 PM, Doublefelix notifications@github.com wrote:

Damn I wish I had PS4 to enjoy some good Bloodborne. Hmm maybe I should go to UK or Wales and get someone's job to afford it : P Hmmmmmm...

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/Wheeze201/Luftahraan/issues/108#issuecomment-87832609 .

Yoppish commented 9 years ago

Im saving up for a PS4 and bloodborne is up on the top of my list of games to get. i loved the souls games so this will be a treat aswell im sure

MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

lol felix

Tepa00 commented 9 years ago


Also for those who need it, there is a 3rd party Puush app for android. Seems to work flawlessy.

Yoppish commented 9 years ago

So uh paid for mods are a thing that exist on steam now. Thoughts?

Tepa00 commented 9 years ago

http://i.imgur.com/qldIYEs.gif this but without the sale numbers.

tempus123a commented 9 years ago

I'll just post this. http://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/33nvrr/ill_never_ever_ever_release_a_paid_mod_promise/ My post http://puu.sh/hpfGB/a9f23bbee5.png

Arkaash commented 9 years ago

I posted an Archon response to this here. http://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/33p0z4/archon_entertainmentluftahraan_monetisation/

Most of my opinions are in there :)

Yurtex commented 9 years ago


Yoppish commented 9 years ago

Im not completely against paid for mods if it meets three conditions 1.) Solo work because teams would cause too much turmoil 2.) it is of very high quality with extensive bug testing they should treat a paid mod like DLC and all the quality control that goes with it. 3.) The price matches the content because paying more then like 50 cents for single dagger or whatever is an absurd and screaming rip-off

Yurtex commented 9 years ago

They problem is not paying or not, you can always ignore thoses mods. Real threat is that some one can steal your free mod from the Nexus(or any where else) and then upload to the Workshop and charge for it. A. as practice shows it really hard to get something down from steam, all those stories with poor quality games with stolen content. B. you are forced to upload your mods to the Workshop , as sort of proof that its yours. And I don't wont to give even more monopoly to the Steam + workshop sucks, and I don't want fags to make money from my(or any other modder)'s stolen work.

tempus123a commented 9 years ago

Well said. I have made my posts without the Archon name. "I have been a modder since 2003/4. Morrowind, Fallout3, Oblivion, Fallout NV, Skyrim. I was part of the original core team of Tamriel Rebuilt. This goes against all that we went through with Bethesda, from the beginning, to this announcement. We could not use assets or textures without a fight. This is a total slap in the face to all of the modders out there. I wrote and rewrote this several times. As it is very hard to write how I feel right now. I like u/Mathiaswagg believe in all ways against this. It will harm the modding community as now there is money involved. So, corners will be cut. Bethesda as it was, benefited from modders for free. Moving water, better textures, e.c.t. now they and valve get paid to use what others slaved to make? Perhaps I'll submit a mod for pay that gives the NPC's wool underwear so they can walk around scratching that itch for money.... Hmmm wonder how hard that animation would be..... " Just so everyone knows what I've said... Again, well said in the teams post.

tempus123a commented 9 years ago

http://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/33quz6/skyui_pretty_much_one_of_the_most_essential_mods/ I'm now way upset...

Tepa00 commented 9 years ago

It's just stupid, this whole thing. Just a trick trying to get more users into using steam workshop.

tempus123a commented 9 years ago

In my in box this morning... Forbes of all things http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2015/04/24/valves-paid-skyrim-mods-are-a-legal-ethical-and-creative-disaster/ Worth the read though

Yoppish commented 9 years ago

Been awhile since someone posted here so i figured i would. How's life going everyone? I'm in a fantastic mood with finals done and out of the way.

AntlerOwl commented 9 years ago

I just made and ordered business cards I feel like such an adult

On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 1:55 AM, Yoppish notifications@github.com wrote:

Been awhile since someone posted here so i figured i would. How's life going everyone? I'm in a fantastic mood with finals done and out of the way.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/Wheeze201/Luftahraan/issues/108#issuecomment-100057157 .

Doublefelix commented 9 years ago

I kinda sorta made a business card, or rather a resume just yesterday. OH and my finals are still ahead of me : ( got a lot of stupid crap to do

MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

ugh the conservatives are going to win the election :(

Yurtex commented 9 years ago

whom you are supporting morgan? Commies one?

MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

i voted plaid cymru, although i like labour,snp and green :)

Yurtex commented 9 years ago

oh so you of nazi? green nazi ;)

MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

heil cymru!

Tepa00 commented 9 years ago

I am bored so I made a rock As you can probably tell I don't have too much motivation to do anything atm... Just so you don't start wondering where the fuck have I gone since I probably won't be doing pretty much anything now. Not the best of times but not the worst either. Time will tell if these new pills do a difference.