Wheeze201 / Luftahraan

DLC-sized mod for Skyrim
4 stars 1 forks source link

The massive Merge #123

Closed MorganRobinson closed 9 years ago

MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

So were going to need to merge things really soon as theres lots of changes and new models being made that we cant use yet without a merge so Im writing a list of things that members have been working on (if i forget something write a comment and ill fix this) and if you can send me the files ill put them next to the things you have done for easy accessibility

NOTE THESE THINGS DONT HAVE TO BE COMPLETED IN A CERTAIN TIME FRAME, its just easier if we have everything ready at the same time for merge

@Akha444 Vines dragon statue wooden arch patio curve wall houses https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByEM3ywmRKOTbGFIVkZiN1RiZW8/view

@Doublefelix Sov area models the keep and 2 houses Lower city clusters 1 2 3, gatehouse and tall house, floor change

@Tepa00 ceiling ornament interior wall pieces dwelling dome

@Yurtex Dragon priest mask dwemer bridge https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zn2rdwy5tcv7cbq/AADeh22uAXnfN34L4yuwEDVma?dl=0 (^assets only no .esp)

@tempus123a stairs cranes

@Arkaash kumano (needs voice acting) market separate cell

@Go0nzy Farms need remerging as its conflicting kaldr Cave Docks

@MorganRobinson i need to find the keep entrance from old forum found it https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4X3FmiHnLWxNk5YTlpuNE00ODQ/view?usp=sharing

@Wheeze201 arkgnzul

@Matt-101 not sure what he does