Wheeze201 / Luftahraan

DLC-sized mod for Skyrim
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Main Quest 1 - A Strange Proposition #140

Open Arkaash opened 9 years ago

Arkaash commented 9 years ago

After the city guards kill Rimalus Sarayan, you leave the Ranting Raven. Outside, a man in a red cloak stops you, and instructs you to stay the night at the Bear Chef, telling you to wait in a chair in the room the innkeeper will rent you. A few moments after the player sits in the chair, a black hooded man enters the room and takes a seat in front of you.

The hooded man will say that he works for an organisation called the Kaldr, and that skills the player has exhibited during their tenure in Luftahraan would be of use to that organisation. He offers the player the chance to work for the benefit of Luftahraan above all else - for a faction that will do far more for the city than the Sovereign can. He also offers the chance to act with impunity within the city, immunity to the law, and the chance to rise high within an organisation that values results and skill above all else.

The agent continues as if the player has already accepted, without actually giving them the chance to refuse. He will welcome them to the organisation and suggest that, at a time suitable to the player, he travel to a house in the cliffside near Erich's house, off of the Temple Square, and talk to a man named Alkros there.

When you reach the house, you are greeted by Alkros, Karrisa and Gets-Tangled-In-Vines. They all make you feel unexpectedly welcome, and Gets-Tangled provides a bit of comic relief. The Argonian then says he has been instructed to escort you to the main Kaldr headquarters beneath the city.

As you walk, Gets-Tangled will mention where some side passages lead, and will also reminisce on his experiences with the Kaldr. He hasn't done much interesting, but it should be a little amusing. After a minute or two, you'll reach the main cave containing the Kaldr headquarters, and he'll explain who you're meeting and what goes on here as you cross the bridges into the main building.

Gets-Tangled will escort you to a Nord woman, Arathe, who introduces herself as one of the Kaldr leaders, responsible for lower ranking agents, and welcomes you to the organisation. She directs you to the places where you can sleep, and to where you can buy supplies and spend leisure time between missions (the pub). She also gives you your first mission for the Kaldr.