Wheeze201 / Luftahraan

DLC-sized mod for Skyrim
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Main Quest 2 - Whispers of the Past #141

Open Arkaash opened 9 years ago

Arkaash commented 9 years ago

Arathe then asks you to pay a visit to several shopkeepers in the city - she doesn't mind who. She requests that you speak to them and request the 'usual tithe', as well as anything else they may have for you. These shopkeepers all know to give the Kaldr what it asks for without question, and will do their best to help you - in stark contrast to the Thieves Guild in Riften. The first two shopkeepers will give you 200 gold each, the third will give you another 200 gold and some information.

The third shopkeeper the player speaks to will say that some men working for the Sovereign came to him a few days ago, looking to buy some supplies to an expedition into the mountains. By the quantity and type of goods purchased, the shop-keep believes that they plan to be gone for quite some time.

They can't tell you where the men were heading exactly, though, or what they were going to do when they got there. It will be up to the player to find this information out. Suffice to say, they headed to a nordic ruin high in the mountains looking to dig into a secret chamber. The blacksmith can tell the player that men matching their descriptions bought shovels and pickaxes and similar tools. One of the workers in the library can tell the players that men working for the Sovereign retrieved maps of a certain area of the mountains, and a hunter like Erich could be persuaded to track the men for the player. The player should have to look for this information themselves, but they should get some hints pushing them in the right direction.

Following some route or other, eventually the player will find an ice cave, containing a small nordic ruin where the Sovereign's men are working. The ruin descends deep underground, and the men are digging down further, looking for an artefact remaining from when the Dwemer were still present in Tamriel.

After fighting through some summoned guardians placed by the Sovereign's expedition, you will find a small camp set up at the bottom of the nordic ruin, inhabited by two of the Sovereign's men.

Behind these men is a dug tunnel that leads into what appears to be a Dwemer Ruin. The men are aware that the player worked for the Sovereign before, but don't know what they are doing here. They will shout out to the player, telling them to leave. If the player continues to approach though, they will turn hostile.

After killing them, you're free to explore the camp and the Dwemer Outpost beyond. There is a journal in the camp, written by one of the diggers, that loosely explains what the men here thought the Sovereign was looking for. It doesn't mention the Dwemer scholar, Davyn Llervi, though.

This Dwemer Outpost is nothing more than a guardpost for Arkngzul, the Dwemer Tower in the city.

There are a series of these guardposts around the city, and they provide advanced warning to the Dwemer in the main tower (or at least they did). They also contain storerooms full of scrap and spare parts.

You travel down the hallway that has been cleared already by the Sovereign's expedition, stepping around the quietly hissing remains of defeated animunculi.

After a short while you will enter a large chamber with several small rooms off of it - clearly some sort of research facility. The Sovereign's men occupy this room - the guards will attack as soon as the player approaches. The non-combatants amongst the expedition will cower in the side rooms whilst the player fights with the guards.

When the guards are all dead, the leader of the expedition will approach the player, and asks if, in exchange for his life and the lives of the other members, he can assist the player with anything.

If asked, he will tell the player about the expedition, mentioning the Dwemer scholar Davyn Llervi and everything he knows about the prototype.

The prototype itself is a sphere resting in a holder in the centre of the main room.

The player can also decide to kill all of the non-combatants. This makes no difference to the Kaldr, but if they leave the expedition alive the Sovereign will hear of the player's betrayal and they will no longer be welcome in Sovereign Hall.

You return to Arathe with the prototype, regaling her with tales of your adventures. She seems impressed with your initiative, and thanks you on behalf of the Kaldr. She decides to promote you within the organisation, and directs you to Kyras Varandar, the Har Frosslakr of the Kaldr. She says that he will be interested in your find.

AntlerOwl commented 8 years ago

Started pre production