Wheeze201 / Luftahraan

DLC-sized mod for Skyrim
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Main Quest 3 - Nothing But Dust #143

Open Arkaash opened 9 years ago

Arkaash commented 9 years ago

After completing the previous quest, Kyras will say that Voreno, the leader of the Kaldr, has called for a meeting, and has requested your presence as well.

Kyras will lead the player to the meeting hall in the Kaldr headquarters, where all 6 of the Kaldr leaders will assemble around the table - Arathe, Sven, Alras, Kyras, Sorn and Voreno.

Voreno will explain that he has recently acquired a certain key from within Sovereign Hall, that is purported to open a door that has long been locked at the back of the Tomb of the Sovereigns in the Oessen Valley. The Kaldr have long been curious as to what is behind this door, and Voreno thinks that now is a good opportunity to investigate.

Voreno will say that the guards at the Tomb have recently changed with a new squadron, and this new group will put up less of a fight - they will not yet be used to working together. Voreno instructs Sven Ultreth to use his contacts in the Marauders to cause a ruckus in the docks to keep the city guard distracted, whilst Sorn Blackfist leads the assault on the tomb. He instructs Arathe and the player to head inside the tomb once Sorn's assault is complete, turn everything over and find the locked door, and explore what might be behind it before reporting back to him.

On the way to the valley, the road will be quiet, but as the player approaches the upper level, the sounds of fighting will reach them, and bodies of guards and a few Kaldr agents will be dotted around. Arathe will meet the player outside of the farm where the guards live, having just finished off the last of the defenders there.

She will suggest that they head into the Tomb itself to assist Sorn, who engaged the majority of the guards that were on duty inside the tomb. She will follow the player with the rest of the Kaldr agents. The three agents from the start of the Kaldr questline, Alkros, Karissa and Gets-Tangled will be with her, as well as a couple of other Kaldr agents, and talking to them can give some insight on the battle tactics and what the player missed out on.

The interior of the Tomb will be a bloodbath, with dead guards littered across the ground, and a fair few dead Kaldr agents. The front end of the Tomb initially has a large entrance hall, with several passages heading off of it and looping back around. These passages lead to sleeping quarters for guards, and general living space - nothing in this section is used as a tomb, beyond the obvious Nordic architecture. The Kaldr agents are still fighting with the Sovereign's guards down some of these passages, but most of them are cleared at this point.

At the far end of the large entrance hall is a passageway that leads deeper into the complex. After following a few twists and turns, the player and his accompanying Kaldr delegation emerge into a smaller, but still fairly large, room, where Sorn is finishing off some guards with his own group of agents. A fairly large door stands locked at the far end of the tomb. This chamber also contains two corridors leading off the side, which contain the sarcophagi of all of the Sovereigns. Arathe suggests that the player have a look around to see if they can find anything of interest in this chamber, whilst Sorn takes his group of agents and clear out the rest of the tomb, before fortifying the entrance against any attempt of the Sovereign's to retake the tomb.

The player is now free to look around the tomb area, and should check some of the sarcophagi - he will find that they are all empty, and that it appears that no Sovereigns have ever been buried here. Arathe will say that this is interesting information that Voreno will definitely want to hear. For now, though, Arathe will give the player the key to the rest of the Tomb and suggests you explore what is behind it - she wants to check all of the coffins here.

The player can then complete Heimfeigr, returning to the main area in the Tomb where they rendezvous with Arathe, before returning to Voreno to report their findings. Voreno will be surprised by the player's information, before becoming quite excited. He wants to investigate things further, and suggests that if they could get inside the Sovereign's Tower in Sovereign Hall, they may be able to find more information on why exactly the coffins were empty.

Voreno asks the player to head up to Sovereign Hall and liaise with his source in the keep, Aramis Avento, the Sovereign's bard. Avento will know more about the workings of the keep and, hopefully, a way into Karsten's chambers, where the player is tasked with 'acquiring' Karsten's key. He suggests that the player work with Avento to ensure the Sovereign is absent at the time, or it may go poorly for the player. He will show the player a passageway from the Kaldr Cave to the Kaldr Tower in Sovereign hall.

Voreno will lead you to an entrance at the back of the Kaldr Headquarters, and tells you that you'll find the bard Avento on a room at the top of the guest tower in Sovereign Hall. Depending on the player's actions in previous quests, this may simply be a matter of walking there, or require a bit of tact - if they Sovereign is aware the player betrayed him (by sparing the expedition in the previous quest), the Keep guards will attack the player on site.

Avento will be sitting at a table in his room when the player arrives, greeting them by saying that it's 'good to see you again', even if they've never met. He instructs them to close the door behind them as they come in. He will tell the player that the Sovereign spends much of his time either in the Throne Room or in a room at the bottom of the Sovereign's Tower training. He suggests that the player attempts to infiltrate the tower at this time. Whatever the player is looking for is likely to be on the top floor of the tower.

It is then up to the player to sneak to the room at the top of Karsten's chambers and find his diary. It is very sparsely populated with entries, but contains one of particular interest - around 10 years ago, Karsten's son was killed in a bandit ambush in the Oessen Valley. The diary, though, states that the Sovereign killed his own son and burned the body - his son had found out about the Sovereign's vampirism, and Karsten was forced to kill him before the news got out. Karsten then talks about his sadness and regret for having to kill his 'son', and saying that he will have to start looking for another suitable 'heir'.

The player will then need to take a copy of the diary, and return to Voreno with the information.