Wheeze201 / Luftahraan

DLC-sized mod for Skyrim
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Main Quest 8 - Coronation #148

Open Arkaash opened 9 years ago

Arkaash commented 9 years ago

After thanking you for your role in taking Sovereign Hall, Korvar will suggest you take some time to rest and deal with your own business, before his coronation as Sovereign in 5 days time. He will request the player attends this event, asking them to meet him in the dining hall above the throne room at 11am that morning.

When the time comes, Korvar will wait for the player seated in the dining hall, and will ask the player to come over and speak with him. Korvar will explain that he isn't expecting too much trouble from the population - they are still reeling from the news that Karsten, and all of the Sovereigns they have had for thousands of years, have been Vampires. He admits that his own vampirism will certainly not endear him to them, but he hopes that his position as Luharaan's brother will pacify them at least until he can prove himself as a ruler to them.

He does mention, though, that he has the Kaldr on hand both inside the crowd in the keep and outside in the city just in case things turn violent. He would prefer to not use them, though. (In the rebel version of this scene, the crowd does get violent, and the Kaldr are forced to put down several of the more forceful protesters).

After this talk, he bids the player follow him and walks down to the throne room, where a large crowd of Luftahraan citizens have gathered, occupying both sides of the Throne room, although leaving the central path empty. This path is lined by guards, and the remaining High Priests of the temple (the player may have killed one earlier) occupy the raised area near the throne. They then proceed to crown Korvar, who goes on to make a speech to the assembled population - for the most part, it seems to go down well, but there are some protesters who jeer at him. He does not need to call the Kaldr agents, though, and the hecklers are simply ignored.

Once Korvar's speech ends the guards will begin ushering the citizens out of the keep, as Korvar sits in his new throne and beckons the player over. He will thank the player once again for their help in his reclamation of the throne, before formally investing them as a member of the Luftahraan council, along with Voreno Arenar, the ostensible leader of the Kaldr, Francois Coltrant, a retired noble adventurer who is one of the driving forces behind the arena, and Davyn Llervi, the Dwemer Scholar who is in the role in a purely advisory manner - all three of these men remain behind after the crowds leave.