Wheeze201 / Luftahraan

DLC-sized mod for Skyrim
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Main Quest 10 - Into Arkngzul #150

Open Arkaash opened 9 years ago

Arkaash commented 9 years ago

After completing the previous quest, Korvar will tell the player that he needs some time with Davyn Llervi to figure out the seal on Arkngzul once and for all. He will ask the player to meet the two of them at the seal in 24 hours, at which point they will attempt to open the gate. With the gate open, Korvar will tell the player to make an initial foray into the facility, bidding him to return to Sovereign Hall once the player stumbles upon an area where they could build a camp, and where Davyn's help is required to continue.

The tower is initially very vertical - the first section of the dungeon is completely abandoned and involves the player descending deep underground, until they reach another sealed door flanked by other entrances, which lead into 'utility' areas such as the boiler room, furnaces and mines. The locked door can be opened from within these areas, and leads down into facility proper, which is filled with research laboratories and the Dwemeri living quarters. At this point, the dungeon will open up further, allowing the player to explore in many different directions and investigate what was going on in the research labs.

The player will be able to explore as they will at this point, but if they follow the obvious 'main path' through the research areas, they will come upon a complex Dwemer puzzle that they cannot solve as it is - all of the writing is in Dwemer runes and there is no clear indication as to what the player should do to open the door and continue. This area is the central hub that has been created at the bottom of the current dungeon progress. Examining it more closely will cause the quest to update and prompt the user to return to Luftahraan and find someone who will be able to assist - the obvious target being Davyn Llervi, the resident Dwemer Scholar in Luftahraan. This marks the point where other NPCs will enter Arkngzul (depending on which side the player is backing). Davyn will accompany the player into the tower with some Kaldr or Soltinn guards and set up a small camp near the puzzle, which will act as a sort of forward base and eventually a re-provisioning area as more people venture down into the tower from the city. As the player gets further with the main quest portion of the dungeon, NPCs from the city (Kaldr agents or people who support them if the player supports the Kaldr, and anyone at all if they support the Soltinn) will begin exploring the dungeon themselves, although they will only venture into cells the player as already cleared. The original forward base will become larger and more permanent, with perhaps a blacksmith setting up shop there with some other merchants, and other small camps will set up throughout the dungeon to give the player an impression that their actions in opening the tower are having a large impact on the life of people in the city.

The player will be able to work with Davyn Llervi to translate the Dwemer inscriptions around the puzzle and eventually solve it by travelling into some of the other research laboratories and living areas on this level. Davyn will stay in the forward camp and can act as a guide to the player, telling them about some of the items they find and guiding them around the dungeon by giving them suggestions about what function each area appears to have served. He can also translate any texts the player finds that are written in Dwemer runes - these texts will serve to expand on the lore of the dungeon and explain somewhat about the Magne-Ge that is held captive.

After unlocking the puzzle door, the player will be able to begin the final dungeon crawl - this will be a long, ultimately linear (although possibly with branching paths) segment that is quite combat and puzzle heavy and leads to the broken portal into the pocket realm. When the player finds the portal, Davyn will approach them from behind, saying that his curiosity got the better of him and he followed the player at a distance, wondering what they might find. He will investigate the portal for a while before directing the player to gather a few Dwemer items for him that can be found in surrounding chambers that appear to be spare parts for the portal - a power source, catalyst etc (the items shouldn't be too far away but should involve a bit more exploration on the part of the player). With the items secured, he can fix the portal relatively quickly, and will accompany the player inside.

The pocket realm is relatively small from a level design sense, but is essentially an eight-spoked wheel floating in blackness, with an outer circle, an inner circle and a portal at the end of each 'spoke', protruding slightly outside the outer circle. The player and Davyn will enter from one of these portals, and will be able to see, but not enter, the remaining 7 portals as they run around the outer circle. Each 'spoke' will lead inside a large circular central structure that contains just a single room, with the Magne-Ge housed in the centre. As the player investigates the sleeping Star Orphan, Davyn will start talking about the pocket realm and hypothesise that this must be the Magne-Ge mentioned in the Dwemer texts the player found near the puzzle earlier. He will talk briefly about what that means before Luharaan escapes through the portal that the player entered from. His leaving will sever the ties between the Magne-Ge and its power within Luharaan, as well as its link to the pocket dimension, awakening it and causing it great pain. The pocket realm, its power source detached, starts collapsing - the player will have to escape with Davyn through the portal they entered from. Davyn will realise that the Magne-Ge is now awake, and bid the player to run with all haste to Korvar (even if the player is with the Soltinn - Korvar is still Sovereign at this point in both stories), and warn him that the Magne-Ge under the tower has woken up and that he should get everyone out of the city.

When the player reaches the surface, they will find the city on fire, with large portions of it destroyed, as Luharaan wreaks bloody vengeance for 2500 years of isolation and imprisonment. As the player finds, him, Korvar approaches with the leaders of the Soltinn, having agreed a temporary truce, and confronts Luharaan, trying to calm him down, but succeeding only in alarming Luharaan further. Luharaan has been alone for millenia, and blames much of his anger and loneliness on his immortality. Seeing his brother with the same curse as he has only angers him further, and he attacks Korvar, attempting to kill him and finally free him from his curse. Korvar cannot withstand the power of the Magne-Ge that still flows through his brother's veins, and is quickly slain, before Luharaan turns on the player and anyone else still standing.

Once the player kills Luharaan, his death allows the Magne-Ge to finally escape Mundus, rising into the sky and burning another star into the heavens (all of the stars were created by Mange-Ge fleeing Mundus during the Creation). This will create a new constellation in the Firmament, giving the player the option of a 14th constellation as a reward for the main quest. The stone for this will be located in Luftahraan, at the (rough) location of where Luharaan was slain.