Wheeze201 / Luftahraan

DLC-sized mod for Skyrim
4 stars 1 forks source link

Y’ffre’s Despised #69

Closed Matt-101 closed 9 years ago

Matt-101 commented 9 years ago

Do this quest, and try to retain sanity whilst doing so.

Matt-101 commented 9 years ago

So do I need to sort out all the miscellaneous dialogue for the quest giver too? I'm leaving it for now to do the actual quest, but I am not sure whether I should include that in the task, or leave it till later.

Wheeze201 commented 9 years ago

No you don't have to do the misc dialogue.

Matt-101 commented 9 years ago

So one thing the quest lacks is where the soul binding is to take place, it needs to be close to Luftahraan, but it seems unnatural to just have it in the open as the player is supposed to meet with the person and somehow know where they are. I could make a small camp for "Eindel" unless there's a better place someone could suggest? EDIT: I also need a table or altar for the binding ritual so that also needs consideration

Arkaash commented 9 years ago

On the subject of sanity, here is the link to the quest.


Arkaash commented 9 years ago

As for your problem you could either just plop them somewhere and have the quest marker point to them, but judging by the quest text it would make more sense for them to have a camp somewhere - they seem to have been staying there for a while.

I'd suggest either putting the camp in the hinterlands north-east of the farms or somewhere towards the top of the Oessen Valley.

Matt-101 commented 9 years ago

Ah thanks, ill try find somewhere around that area, although I'll be honest - im not very familiar with luft's exterior, it would be useful if there was a map of some sort to refer to

Matt-101 commented 9 years ago

I've also come across a problem where the player can get all the info from Eindel about lifting the curse and getting the scroll, but then not go to kumano, and go back into luft and talk to Aengoth, There's no dialogue for this and also later in the quest the dialogue depends on Aengoth being surprised by the new information. Now I could have Eindel tell the player not to say anything to Aengoth, but then that doesn't account for if the player wants to be an asshole, but allowing the player to tell Aengoth means a whole load more dialogue, but having no options just seems really un-natural. So what should I do?

Matt-101 commented 9 years ago

I will also change Aengoth's ID from "LuftahraanAengothArrilDUPLICATE000" to "LUFTAengothArril", unless that's going to break something, or just you'd rather I don't change actor's IDs about? EDIT: Upon further inspection all his merchant things follow the same unconventional naming convention so I'll probably just leave it rustling my creation kit jimmies

Arkaash commented 9 years ago

Well I can make you a really shit paint map if you want... otherwise it might be something Goonzy could do - she's good with maps.

As for the dialogue issue, I'd program in the option for the player to go back and talk to Aengoth, but just have him say "PLACEHOLDER DIALOGUE" for now. We can come back and fill that in later. If you do do that, though, don't forget to put in two possible reactions for him later based on whether the player told him or not.

I'd prefer it if you did fix the ID - messy IDs are generally bad to have. Don't worry if it's going to be a massive pain though, I guess.

Arkaash commented 9 years ago

Also, this pargraph:

"Eindel: You must know this land pretty well. But no. After visiting the College of Winterhold’s library I learned of an ancient Akaviri temple built near the coasts of Luftahraan long before Skyrim was ever inhabited by men or mer. The monks who lived there came from Akavir long ago and never once left the place, nor let anyone in. The only time an outsider ever entered was when an Imperial scholar named Pinarus came to the city of Luftahraan. He was the one who wrote the book I found at the College, and according to his brief visit and interviews with the monks there, the Akaviri monks spent their entire lives perfecting a ritual which could summon up spirits of various deities and bind them to the souls of others. Through these bindings the monks gained special traits both positive and negative, like immortality, incredible knowledge, and unbelievable cruelty. After the Great Collapse the temple toppled off of the cliff it once sat on and fell into the sea. According to Pinarus’s book they also kept a vast library in the temple. If we can reach that library and grab the correct scroll, we have a good chance of freeing Aengoth from his plight. So, what do you say?"

Will need re-writing. There are some contradictions in there and it doesn't entirely fit the Kumano lore.

Arkaash commented 9 years ago

To be honest, reading the quest, a lot of the dungeon related things will need changing - Kumano doesn't fit all that well since we can't have an escort quest in it - there already is one.

We can either work to retrofit the quest into Kumano, or you could make your own dungeon, which you're welcome to (you can use the architecture styles I used in Kumano so it fits) but I'm not sure that's entirely practical. Kumano took a LOT of time.

Matt-101 commented 9 years ago

Urgh, seems like sorting out all the quest logic and Kumano problem is going to take more time than implementing the quest itself...

Matt-101 commented 9 years ago

Just a quick update, I'm currently re-writing parts of the quest, and I'll get someone (most likely Arkaash) to proof read it before I start implementing the new version.

Matt-101 commented 9 years ago

Does Aengoth have to stay in Luftahraan as a shopkeeper after the quest is done? I thought it would make more sense if he only stays if the Zenithar option is chosen. so Y'ffre option= goes with Eindel Dremora option = goes off somewhere else (thinks luft is a crappy place to do buisness) and Zenithar = Become a better merchant in luft

Matt-101 commented 9 years ago

well here it is, at long last: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Qs82QW_2gjXmkcLqVUhS0toIa00VCIHmoIWdtMYK9E8/edit?usp=sharing It would be great if someone could check it over before I start implementing it, and I promise I wont start till I've tested Kumano, Arkaash

Arkaash commented 9 years ago

yeah, you better test Kumano. :D

Your idea re: Aengoth seems like a passable idea, as long as it's made obvious to the player that that's what's happened.

I'll have a read through the quest either tonight or tomorrow :)

Arkaash commented 9 years ago

I hope you don't mind some slightly flippant comments on my part... :D

Matt-101 commented 9 years ago

Dont worry, I expect the thorough "Arkaash" treatment haha

MorganRobinson commented 9 years ago

^^ huehuehue

Matt-101 commented 9 years ago

Also is there a forested area near-ish to Luftahraan where I can out Eindel's camp? My geography of Luftahraan aint great :/

Arkaash commented 9 years ago

Yeah, north-east of the farms there's a fair bit of forest. That or off towards Solthund along the coastline.