WheezyE / Winelink

Installation scripts for running Winlink (RMS Express/Trimode & VARA) on non-Windows computers. Wine & Box86 make this project possible.
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See if VarAC's author might help with more Wine compatability #63

Open WheezyE opened 1 year ago

WheezyE commented 1 year ago

I might need to email the author with some more suggestions for Linux/Wine users:

SpudGunMan commented 1 year ago

Interesting I haven't seen issues like this files stay where expected (I think I will also retest I got his email if needed new 6.6 alpha as well)

Let me know if I can help - I have been using the app reasonably well some features he is just disabling via code for Linux like spellcheck and new voice-text stuff

WheezyE commented 1 year ago

I was able to make progress because of your PR. Thank you!

Yeah .conf & .ini files appear in the VarAC directory (in the ~/.wine/ folder), but the .ini files don't get used. VarAC also then creates new .conf & .ini files made inside ~/. that VarAC is actually reading/writing to.

WheezyE commented 1 year ago

Notes on extracting VarAC icon from .exe in Linux 1a) Proof of concept (reference)

sudo apt-get install icoutils -y
wrestool -l ${HOME}'/.wine/drive_c/VarAC/VarAC.exe' | grep group_icon
#output: --type=14 --name=32512 --language=0 [type=group_icon offset=0x8b68b8 size=76]
wrestool -x -n '32512' ${HOME}'/.wine/drive_c/VarAC/VarAC.exe' > varac.ico

1b) Automatic with grep & variables (reference)

sudo apt-get install icoutils -y
ICONNAME=$(wrestool -l ${HOME}'/.wine/drive_c/VarAC/VarAC.exe' | grep -o -P '(?<=--name=)(.*?)(?= --.*type=group_icon)')
wrestool -x -n "${ICONNAME}" ${HOME}'/.wine/drive_c/VarAC/VarAC.exe' > ${HOME}'/.wine/drive_c/VarAC/varac.ico'

2) EDIT: This works too lol (reference)

wrestool -x --output=${HOME}'/.wine/drive_c/VarAC/varac.ico' -t14 ${HOME}'/.wine/drive_c/VarAC/VarAC.exe'

EDIT: Linux doesn't like windows .ico files (prefers .png files)

mkdir ${HOME}'/.wine/drive_c/VarAC/img/'
icotool -x -o ${HOME}'/.wine/drive_c/VarAC/img/' ${HOME}'/.wine/drive_c/VarAC/varac.ico' # https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/impish/man1/icotool.1.html
VARACICON="$(basename $(find ${HOME}'/.wine/drive_c/VarAC/img/' -maxdepth 1 -type f  -printf "%s\t%p\n" | sort -n | tail -1 | awk '{print $NF}'))" # https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/565995

No current way to do this with wine alone (reference)

WheezyE commented 1 year ago

Now that I feel I have a better grasp of how VarAC functions and some of its bugs, I've made some requests on the forum https://www.varac-hamradio.com/forum/bug-reports/on-linux-wine-varac-cannot-find-its-config-files https://www.varac-hamradio.com/forum/feature-requests/config-file-layout-ideas

SpudGunMan commented 1 year ago

FYI the latest alpha version I needed to add fonts to keep the errors away sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer

SpudGunMan commented 1 year ago

I did this to handle missing fonts in the corefont pack I have not tested much but there is currently an error for missing font this might correct https://github.com/SpudGunMan/segoe-ui-linux