WhereGroup / profile-manager

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Differences in INI file structure between QGIS versions is not considered #7

Open kannes opened 1 year ago

kannes commented 1 year ago

Ref: https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/qgis-developer/2023-June/065957.html

Connections can be defined in the INI file in many different ways, e. g.:

ows\items\WFS\connections\items\foo\authcfg =
ows\items\wfs\connections\items\foo\dpi-mode = All
ows\items\wfs\connections\items\foo\http-header = @Variant(\0\0\0\b\0\0\0\0)
ows\items\wfs\connections\items\foo\ignore-axis-orientation = false
ows\items\wfs\connections\items\foo\version = auto

connections-wfs\foo\dpiMode = All
connections-wfs\foo\ignoreAxisOrientation = false
connections\WFS\foo\authcfg =
connections\WFS\foo\password =
connections\WFS\foo\username =

This seems to be due to changes between QGIS versions.

Currently the Profile Manager only looks for "connections-" under "[qgis]".

This affects at least the "Data Sources", but might affect other things from QGIS3.ini too.