Whiley / RFCs

Request for Comment (RFC) proposals for substantial changes to the Whiley language.
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Verifying Reentrant Computation #108

Open DavePearce opened 2 years ago

DavePearce commented 2 years ago

To verify reentrant computation relies on a two state predicate which summarises the effect making one (or more) reentrant calls into a method could have on local state. For example, consider this:

int state = 0

public method inc()
modifies state
ensures old(state) +1 == state:
   state = state + 1

The necessary two-state predicate is actually old(state) < state for inc() since we can call inc() arbitrarily many times from external code. What we need is a way to either infer such a specification or (perhaps easier) to check such a specification is already transitive.


There are various ways we could try to encode the logic we need. One approach might be to impose constraints on how global data could be modified. For example:

type uiint256 is (uint256 v)
varies old(v) < v

Actually the varies clauses is perhaps similar or identical to Liskov and Wing's constraint clause.


DavePearce commented 2 years ago
variant unchanged(&int p)
where old(*p) == *p

map<address,uint256> balances = ...
bool lock = false

public method get_balance(address sender) -> uint256

public method deposit(address sender):
   sender.transfer(123) <- 

public method main()
always lock ==> unchanged(&balances)
eventually ended

The keywords are from temporal logic. These are the transitive and reflexive closures of ensures.

DavePearce commented 2 years ago

The rough idea is to use a keyword always which reasons over the history. The intention is that this is a transitive constraint and, hence, we can use it to reason about multiple invocations of a method. Some notes:

DavePearce commented 2 years ago

Another aspect of this idea is that we can use it for authorisation as well. For example, we can say something like this:

"unless msg::sender equals a particular account, this variable cannot be changed".