Whiley / RFCs

Request for Comment (RFC) proposals for substantial changes to the Whiley language.
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Shared Atomic Locks #88

Open DavePearce opened 3 years ago

DavePearce commented 3 years ago

(see also #31, #45)

Implementing either atomic blocks or atomic global reads / writes requires some top-level lock(s). For example, writing to a shared global variable requires a lock on that variable. Likewise, writing to a shared object requires a lock on that object (e.g. monitor in Java). Therefore, we need some mechanism to identify data which is shared, versus that which is not.

For global variables, it's pretty easy if we add a shared modify. For references, we could consider e.g. &shared int ?

DavePearce commented 3 years ago


dumblob commented 3 years ago

Very informative article, thanks for sharing!

DavePearce commented 3 years ago

Yeah, its pretty interesting!!

DavePearce commented 3 years ago

The second part of the series is now available as well!


dumblob commented 3 years ago

Yep, read it in one breath :wink:.

Btw. today I looked at Armada and watched a 1 year old video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvfFtkAQho4 and thought it might provide some insight how others try to prove concurrency correctness without sacrificing flexibility (especially clever optimizations - e.g. first reading a shared variable without locking it - to get a "cached/stale" information as a "good guess" - and first then locking it and reading it again to get a truly correct non-stale value).

DavePearce commented 3 years ago

I just finished it this morning! Already looking forward to part 3.

This stuff is definitely helping me. One question I have from all this is whether a PL should allow racy behavior at all?

DavePearce commented 3 years ago

I'll check out that video/post

dumblob commented 3 years ago

This stuff is definitely helping me. One question I have from all this is whether a PL should allow racy behavior at all?

I think this highly depends on the definition of "racy". Because e.g. the optimization I outlined above could be considered "racy" but the desired functionality the programmer intended is in the end not racy. So what does it mean "racy"? I've seen already too many assumptions about "raciness".

Assuming the PL allows to express absolutely exactly what the programmer had in mind (please do not confuse with turing completeness which is orthogonal to this ability of expressing of what the programmer wants), then I'm pretty sure the PL shouldn't allow racy programs (we're talking about default behavior of a PL without considering features like unsafe { ... } blocks known from certain PLs etc.). But because I know maybe just one and only one PL able to express really anything (XL), I think we'll first need to define what does it mean "racy" in Whiley.

Under "ability to express what the programmer has in mind" I mean both what she wants as well as what she doesn't want in the given particular case. The first condition ("what she wants") is theoretically satisfied by any turing-complete language (though often not nicely readable :wink: - imagine assembly), but the second condition is usually the problem because a PL imposes certain restrictions in certain cases (e.g. "structured programming" etc.) and allows the programmer to add only a small amount of additional restrictions for the given localized case (e.g. "static assert") instead of giving her full power of arbitrary edition of the restrictions (remove existing, edit existing, add new ones) as e.g. XL does.

Btw. this is not criticism of languages but rather a substantiation of why we need to define what it means "racy" for a particular PL.

DavePearce commented 3 years ago

Right, I'm hearing you. Ok, here's my thoughts:

By construction, we cannot race on any variables. This may seem like a limitation as we cannot benefit from reading/writing non-atomic variables when we know this is safe to do so. However, I think actually it does allow this. For example:

shared {int x, int y} var = ...

This is a share variable which, actually, is made up of two variables. We could implement this in different ways. For example (in C like syntax):

atomic int lock
int x;
int y;

The intention here is that lock synchronises all accesses to x and y and, thus, guarantees race freedom (provided the generated code does it correctly).

dumblob commented 3 years ago

That sounds actually familiar - the language V provides somewhat similar primitives though thread-local will most probably not be supported outside of unsafe{ } blocks because it'd break the native go routine abstraction (which is assumed to be implemented as fully preemptive green threads on top of os threads).

DavePearce commented 3 years ago

Ok, interesting. I have not heard of V before!