Whiley / RFCs

Request for Comment (RFC) proposals for substantial changes to the Whiley language.
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Witnesses for (Unbound) Quantifiers #89

Open DavePearce opened 3 years ago

DavePearce commented 3 years ago

An interesting question is whether or not we can allow the use of unbound quantifiers if we can provide witnesses behind the scenes.

As a simple example, imagine a function

// All elements in array are unique
property unique<T>(T[] arr)
where all { i in 0..|arr|, j in 0..|arr| | (i != j) ==> (arr[i] != arr[j]) }

// Can map from one array to another
property mapping<T>(T[] lhs, T[] rhs, int[] m)
where all { i in 0 .. |m| | lhs[m[i]] == rhs[i] }

function is_permutation<T>(T[] lhs, T[] rhs) -> (boolean r)
ensures r ==> |lhs| == |rhs| && some { int[] m | unique(m) && mapping(lhs,rhs,m) }

The challenge here is that the some quantifier is unbounded. However, we might have an internal function which actually produced a witness which demonstrates the some holds.