Whiley / WhileyCompiler

The Whiley Compiler (WyC)
Apache License 2.0
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Linking Bug ? #1131

Closed DavePearce closed 2 years ago

DavePearce commented 2 years ago

The following file causes a NullPointerException in the JavaScriptCompiler (see https://github.com/Whiley/Whiley2JavaScript/issues/62):

method run():
    &int state = new 0

method t(int index):

The exception occurs when processing the new expression in constructNew(). My feeling is this must be a bug in typing, since the type of the new expression is void. The weird thing is that we need both run() and t() to get this problem. I don't understand how they are related?

Also, we need build.whiley.library=false.

DavePearce commented 2 years ago

The only realistic hypothesis I've got here is that something goes wrong during NameResolution as we're pulling in all the things needed for to_string(), and this terminates compilation prematurely --- resulting in a WyilFile which has not been typed.

DavePearce commented 2 years ago

So NameResolution is failing, and r becomes false after this line:

try {
  System.out.println("NAME RESOLUTION (" + r + ")");
    r = r && new NameResolution(packages, target, linking).apply();
  } catch (IOException e) {
    // FIXME: this is clearly broken.
    throw new RuntimeException(e);

The problem is that its generating a syntax error on something in the library, rather than the original source file. In other words, its missing some symbols or something. The errors are being generated at the end of NameResolution.Patch.select(). It is confusing because it appears the symbols are there:

SELECT QUALIFIED NAME: std::array::copy : function(T[],uint,T[],uint,uint)->(T[])
FOUND: copy : function(T[],uint,T[],uint,uint)->(T[])       
REJECTED: true and false

The REJECTED line suggests the two types are not equals(), even though they appear identical.

DavePearce commented 2 years ago

UPDATE: Those symbol selections which are succeeding are those which don't have nominal types in them.

DavePearce commented 2 years ago

This seems to be a fundamental problem with the way in which elements from different Abstract Syntax Trees are compared. They are currently compared using equals() but, realistically, we want some kind of equivalence. In particular, nominal types use a Ref<T> for the underlying link to the Decl.Named item they refer to. That means they will never be equals() unless they are ==.

This to me suggests that linking in this incarnation of the compiler simply cannot work.

DavePearce commented 2 years ago

Therefore, we need to fundamentally back off from linking.