Whiley / WhileyTheoremProver

The Whiley Theorem Prover (WyTP) is an automatic and interactive theorem prover designed to discharge verification conditions generated by the Whiley Compiler. WyTP operates over a variant of first-order logic which includes integer arithmetic, arrays and quantification.
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Problem with TypeTestClosure #65

Closed DavePearce closed 7 years ago

DavePearce commented 7 years ago

The following verifies when it clearly shouldn't:

type nat is (int x) where x >= 0
type pos is (int x) where x > 0

    forall (int x):
          x is nat
          x is pos  

The key problem is that TypeTestClosure reduces this to x is (nat&!pos) (effectively x is (int&!int)) which clearly gives a contradiction. But, of course, this is ignoring the constraints involved.

The problem essentially boils down to this segment:

Type intersection = new Type.Intersection(lhsT,rhsT);
    if (types.isRawSubtype(new Type.Void(), intersection)) {
        // No possible intersection exists between the types in
        // question. Therefore, the test cannot be true.
        return state.subsume(this, typeTest, state.allocate(new Formula.Truth(false)));

Basically, it's not true in the case of constrained types that isRawSubtype determines categorically that there is no intersection between the two types. For example, consider nat :> pos which corresponds to int :> int as a raw subtype test (which is clearly incorrect).

How do we handle this properly? The test nat :> pos translates to the void test (!nat) & pos. To determine the type really is equivalent to void, we want to compute ⌈(!nat)&pos⌉ which expands to (!⌊nat⌋)&⌈pos⌉ and then (!void)&int (which does not return true).