WhiskeySockets / Baileys

Lightweight full-featured typescript/javascript WhatsApp Web API
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Get push name from Jid #399

Open joweste opened 9 months ago

joweste commented 9 months ago

Before adding this issue, make sure you do the following to make sure this is not a duplicate:

  1. Search through the repo's previous issues
  2. Read through the readme at least once
  3. Search the docs for the feature you're looking for

Just describe the feature I think will be a plus if we had a function like whastweb.js to get contact name from a jid. The contact name is very important in whatever app.

For now, the alternative is using a store. But it doesn´t solve the problem because there are contacts such as group participants that aren´t in your contact list.

Regards, Luiz

FERDIZ-afk commented 9 months ago

What do you mean by contacts that are saved on our device?

joweste commented 9 months ago

What do you mean by contacts that are saved on our device?

No. I mean any contact not only saved in our device. For sample, I am member from some groups and your participants are contacts not saved in my device and I am unable to get your names or profile pictures url

FERDIZ-afk commented 9 months ago

What do you mean by contacts that are saved on our device?

No. I mean any contact not only saved in our device. For sample, I am member from some groups and your participants are contacts not saved in my device and I am unable to get your names or profile pictures url

All the data is in the store section

joweste commented 9 months ago

What do you mean by contacts that are saved on our device?

No. I mean any contact not only saved in our device. For sample, I am member from some groups and your participants are contacts not saved in my device and I am unable to get your names or profile pictures url

All the data is in the store section

Sorry, but I use baileys-bottle store and the participants name of the groups isn´t into store. There is in the store only the contacts saved into my device. The group members participants with name and profile url aren´t saved in contacts

joweste commented 9 months ago

Hi, Hi, I am trying to get the contact name of a jid when the jid is not intro store. I search all this discord group and I dont found a solution. But, I found a lib cobalt(java) in https://github.com/Auties00/Cobalt/blob/617bd77752648c994676a5834606d9378cb75033/src/main/java/it/auties/whatsapp/api/Whatsapp.java#L860 thats uses the code below. I am not fluent in java. If someone can adapt it to javascript, I think many of us will appreciate.

     * Queries the display name of a contact
     * @param contactJid the non-null contact
     * @return a CompletableFuture
    public CompletableFuture<Optional<String>> queryName(@NonNull ContactJidProvider contactJid) {
        var contact = store().findContactByJid(contactJid);
            return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Optional.ofNullable(contact.get().chosenName()));

        var query = new MexQueryRequest(List.of(new MexQueryRequest.User(contactJid.toJid().user())), List.of("STATUS"));
        return socketHandler.sendQuery("get", "w:mex", Node.of("query", Json.writeValueAsBytes(query)))

    private Optional<String> parseNameResponse(Node result) {
        return result.findNode("result")
                .map(json -> Json.readValue(json, MexQueryResult.class))

I have tried the next without success since I´m not a java guy:

[const number = +${p.id.replace("+", "")};
        const content = [
            tag: "query",
            attrs: {},
            content: [
                tag: "users",
                attrs: { user_id: number }
                tag: "users",
                attrs: { updates: ["STATUS"] }
        const info = await wbot.query({
          tag: "iq",
          attrs: {
            type: "get",
            xmlns: "w:mex"
Auties00 commented 9 months ago

I'm the developer of cobalt, I'll add support here as well asap

AKAZAMD commented 8 months ago

hello, can I ask how to get catalog data and then send it

tofers commented 7 months ago


bsudy commented 6 months ago


I have also tried to replicate the logic and I'm getting back xwa2_users_updates_since info with updates.

Here is my code:

    const result = await socket.query({
      tag: 'iq',
      attrs: {
        to: S_WHATSAPP_NET,
        type: 'get',
        xmlns: 'w:mex',
      content: [
          tag: 'query',
          attrs: {
            // From Cobalt: https://github.com/nazarenoneto/Cobalt/blob/2340780c0378a8e769cee384a2c6a0989e4871a5/src/main/java/it/auties/whatsapp/model/request/MexQueryRequest.java#L10C15-L10C31
            query_id: '6420453474633624',
          content: new TextEncoder().encode(JSON.stringify({
            variables: {
              users: jids.map((jid) => ({ user_id: jid.split('@')[0].replace('+', '') })),
              updates: ['STATUS'],
    console.log('Results', JSON.stringify(result, undefined, 2));
    const resultNode = getBinaryNodeChild(result, 'result');
    console.log('ResultNode', JSON.stringify(resultNode, undefined, 2));

But I'm a bit stuck at the moment as I don't find any relevant information. It seem I can only retrieve the "about" changes from there. And event that info is not always present.

PurpShell commented 2 months ago

I should implement USyncQuery here!