WhiskeySockets / Baileys

Lightweight full-featured typescript/javascript WhatsApp Web API
MIT License
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[BUG] Looping in message.upsert #744

Closed decoderid closed 2 months ago

decoderid commented 2 months ago

replying message to somone should send once not looping in a hole in messages.upsert




import makeWASocket, { DisconnectReason, useMultiFileAuthState  } from '@whiskeysockets/baileys'
import { Boom } from '@hapi/boom'

async function connectToWhatsApp () {
    const { state, saveCreds } = await useMultiFileAuthState('auth_info_baileys')
    const sock = makeWASocket({
        auth: state,
        printQRInTerminal: true,
        syncFullHistory: true
    sock.ev.on ('creds.update', saveCreds)
    sock.ev.on('connection.update', (update) => {
        const { connection, lastDisconnect } = update
        if(connection === 'close') {
            const shouldReconnect = (lastDisconnect?.error as Boom)?.output?.statusCode !== DisconnectReason.loggedOut
            console.log('connection closed due to ', lastDisconnect?.error, ', reconnecting ', shouldReconnect)
            // reconnect if not logged out
            if(shouldReconnect) {
        } else if(connection === 'open') {
            console.log('opened connection')
    sock.ev.on('messages.upsert', async m => {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(m, undefined, 2))

        console.log('replying to', m.messages[0].key.remoteJid)

       await sock.sendMessage('mynumber@s.whatsapp.net', {
            text: 'hello test'
// run in main file
G-rillei commented 2 months ago

When the bot sends a message, the message.upsert event is also called, which causes the loop. Try adding some verification to the message before returning a reply.

unknownncat commented 2 months ago
import makeWASocket, { DisconnectReason, useMultiFileAuthState  } from '@whiskeysockets/baileys'
import { Boom } from '@hapi/boom'

async function connectToWhatsApp () {
    const { state, saveCreds } = await useMultiFileAuthState('auth_info_baileys')
    const sock = makeWASocket({
        auth: state,
        printQRInTerminal: true,
        syncFullHistory: true
    sock.ev.on ('creds.update', saveCreds)
    sock.ev.on('connection.update', (update) => {
        const { connection, lastDisconnect } = update
        if(connection === 'close') {
            const shouldReconnect = (lastDisconnect?.error as Boom)?.output?.statusCode !== DisconnectReason.loggedOut
            console.log('connection closed due to ', lastDisconnect?.error, ', reconnecting ', shouldReconnect)
            // reconnect if not logged out
            if(shouldReconnect) {
        } else if(connection === 'open') {
            console.log('opened connection')
    sock.ev.on('messages.upsert', async m => {
     if(m.type === "notify") {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(m, undefined, 2))
        if(!m.messages[0].key.fromMe) {
            console.log('replying to', m.messages[0].key.remoteJid)

            await sock.sendMessage('mynumber@s.whatsapp.net', {
                 text: 'hello test'
// run in main file

The addition of the conditions m.type === "notify" and !m.messages[0].key.fromMe seems to ensure that the function will only respond to new messages that were not sent by the bot itself.