WhiskeySockets / Baileys

Lightweight full-featured typescript/javascript WhatsApp Web API
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[BUG] No session found to decrypt message #886

Open oscarguindzberg opened 2 weeks ago

oscarguindzberg commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug I have a server with 15 connected whatsapp users. I find this on the log from time to time:

  "level": 50,
  "time": 1718906974900,
  "pid": 41327,
  "hostname": "ip-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx",
  "key": {
    "remoteJid": "xxx@g.us",
    "fromMe": false,
    "id": "xxx",
    "participant": "xxx@s.whatsapp.net"
  "err": {
    "type": "Error",
    "message": "No session found to decrypt message",
    "stack": "Error: No session found to decrypt message\n at xxx@g.us::xxx::0 [as awaitable]   
     at async asyncQueueExecutor (/baileys/WASignalGroup/queue_job.js:20:29)"
  "msg": "failed to decrypt message"

To Reproduce Don't know how to reproduce, it happens from time to time on a server with 15 connected whatsapp users.

Expected behavior No errors on the log

Environment (please complete the following information):

Additional context Using baileys v6.7.5

oscarguindzberg commented 2 weeks ago

These bugs may be related https://github.com/WhiskeySockets/Baileys/issues/885 https://github.com/WhiskeySockets/Baileys/issues/886 https://github.com/WhiskeySockets/Baileys/issues/887 https://github.com/WhiskeySockets/Baileys/issues/888

ErgashevAkbarjon commented 1 week ago

I do have the same issue. Also have multiple connected WA numbers.

ErgashevAkbarjon commented 1 week ago

Maybe it's all because of using already an old and archived(by ForstaLabs) version of libsignal-node package. Maybe it's better to move to official package from signalapp ?

dephea commented 1 week ago

Same issue

joaosouz4dev commented 5 days ago

Same here. "err": { "type": "Error", "message": "No SenderKeyRecord found for decryption", "stack": "Error: No SenderKeyRecord found for decryption\n at <ID>@g.us::<NUM>::0 [as awaitable] (/app/node_modules/@whiskeysockets/baileys/WASignalGroup/group_cipher.js:49:15)\n at async _asyncQueueExecutor (/app/node_modules/@whiskeysockets/baileys/WASignalGroup/queue_job.js:20:29)" }, "msg": "failed to decrypt message" }

dcpenteado commented 5 days ago


ramon-victor commented 3 days ago
