WhiskeySockets / Baileys

Lightweight full-featured typescript/javascript WhatsApp Web API
MIT License
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[BUG] Connecting closed #929

Open KazeDevID opened 1 month ago

KazeDevID commented 1 month ago


Guru322 commented 1 month ago

same 428 while sending message to a group works fine in dm

bobslavtriev commented 1 month ago

428 isBoom: true is your code!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

KazeDevID commented 1 month ago

428 isBoom: true is your code!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've re-scanned several times, but after about 1 hour the error is like that again, do you have any suggestions??

luispimenta commented 1 month ago

Here exactly the same thing happens, but out of 40 groups only 4 have this problem, I can send a scheduled message or not, and the same 4 groups always don't receive it, giving the error 428, all the others work perfectly

my issue

KazeDevID commented 1 month ago

Di sini hal yang persis sama terjadi, tetapi dari 40 grup hanya 4 yang memiliki masalah ini, saya dapat mengirim pesan terjadwal atau tidak, dan 4 grup yang sama selalu tidak menerimanya, memberikan kesalahan 428, semua yang lain bekerja dengan sempurna

Masalah saya

I thought I was the only one who experienced it

luispimenta commented 1 month ago

Di sini hal yang persis sama terjadi, tetapi dari 40 grup hanya 4 yang memiliki masalah ini, saya dapat mengirim pesan terjadwal atau tidak, dan 4 grup yang sama selalu tidak menerimanya, memberikan kesalahan 428, semua yang lain bekerja dengan sempurna Masalah saya

I thought I was the only one who experienced it

No, it wasn't, I even met two other people who had the same problem and couldn't solve it, and they went looking for another alternative to Baileys, today they already migrated to another lib, we're trying to find a solution, otherwise the alternative will be to change the Baileys too :(

ricco-douro commented 1 month ago

I keep having this error. on v6.6.0. I have upgraded to 6.7.5 and keeps happening.

luispimenta commented 1 month ago

Exactly the same here, I've already tried 6.6.0 and the latest 6.7.5 and both happen the same thing

NeKosmico commented 1 month ago

I only experience this error when the network is slow or the CPU is loaded too much.

KazeDevID commented 1 month ago

Di sini hal yang tetap sama terjadi, tetapi dari 40 grup hanya 4 yang memiliki masalah ini, saya dapat mengirim pesan terjadwal atau tidak, dan 4 grup yang sama selalu tidak tahan, memberikan kesalahan 428, semua yang lain bekerja dengan sempurna Masalah saya

Saya pikir saya satu-satunya yang mengalaminya

Tidak, bukan itu masalahnya. Saya bahkan bertemu dengan dua orang lain yang mengalami masalah serupa dan tidak dapat menyelesaikannya. Mereka pun mencari alternatif lain untuk Baileys. Hari ini, mereka sudah pindah ke lib lain. Kami sedang berusaha mencari solusinya. Kalau tidak, alternatifnya adalah mengganti Baileys juga :(

keep it up bro

xbal023 commented 1 month ago


Tips before opening an issue:

ecatugy commented 1 month ago

I notice this when I'm in debugger mode; it always happens then. However, when compiled and running on the server, it's quite rare.

hacxk commented 1 month ago

Try end the socket every 30 Minutes or lower if you prefer and add a reconnect mechanism to auto reconnect

await sock.end()
nubinter commented 1 month ago

is there a fix for this? i got error connection close too when tried sending to my own number.