WhiskyTangoFawks / Expedition

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Ores module does not create UBified ores if dense ore generation is disabled #81

Open SargeRyong opened 7 years ago

SargeRyong commented 7 years ago

Minecraft Version 1.10.2 Forge WTF-Expeditions version 1.3.5 Underground Biomes Constructs 0.9-beta.13

Using only the ore module, with no mods loaded aside from UBC and WTF-Expeditions.

Each ore with B:"4 Use dense versions of this ore block"=true in the Ores config has UBified ore blocks registered and generated, but every instance of the ore block is labeled "dense". When this value is false, textures are vanilla, and no additional ore blocks are registered regardless of the values listed in "List of background stones".

If I'm doing something wrong here, I'm not sure what it is. Bug? Intended?

WhiskyTangoFawks commented 7 years ago

If the dense ores feature is on, my mod will generate ore blocks for each background stone listed. If dense ore is off, then the mod will just replace any block listed in it's background blocks with whatever block you give it.

It's a bug, in the sense that I've not gotten around to writing the code to access the default UBified ore blocks provided in UBC.

WhiskyTangoFawks commented 7 years ago

Also, just FYI, juts pushed out 1.3.6 which doesn't fix this issue, but does quite a bit to improve UBC compatibilty

SargeRyong commented 7 years ago

Ah, okay. I assumed it still had the old functionality from back when it was WTF-Ores (I believe the description mentioned something about using a different rendering method to ubify mod ores).

If you'd prefer to register mod ores with UB via it's api, I believe the relevant bit of interface is here: https://github.com/Zeno410/UndergroundBiomesConstructs1.10/blob/master/src/main/java/exterminatorjeff/undergroundbiomes/api/common/UBOresRegistry.java

At a glance, it looks like it wouldn't be too bad to implement.