WhistlingZephyr / banger

A Firefox extension that adds DuckDuckGo-like !Bangs to any search engine & more.
MIT License
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Feature: Option to disable case sensitivity #3

Closed TorMechia closed 11 months ago

TorMechia commented 11 months ago

While case sensitivity can have usage, a vast majority of the time (for me at least) it results in having to retype the query because CapsLock was enabled. An option to disable case-sensitivity by automatically converting capitalized characters in a query to lowercase would be great.

WhistlingZephyr commented 11 months ago

I realized that the case sensitivity was actually unintentional since DuckDuckGo and other engines seem to treat bangs case-insensitively. Thanks for submitting this issue. I've went ahead and added a quick fix for it. It's now case-insensitive by default and case-sensitivity is an opt-in config. (Live in v0.2.32)


I initially planned to wait till the next rewrite to add more features but given how I haven't been working on it that much and that it was a quick enough fix I decided to go ahead and implement it anyway.