White-Oak / qml-rust

QML (Qt Quick) bindings for Rust language
MIT License
205 stars 18 forks source link

Project state #52

Open Yatekii opened 5 years ago

Yatekii commented 5 years ago


What is the current project state? Was it discontinued? Why so? This looks pretty great whilst the qt rust bindings generator really doesn't.

Thanks for any answers! Best, Yatekii

Korvox commented 5 years ago

What I'm curious about is why @SfietKonstantin has a fork that has dramatically expanded DOtherSIde and this crate but hasn't published his changes to either. His fork works great and has a lot of stuff @White-Oak's tree is missing like meta object and qmlview types and implements Sailfish support.

According to github statistics SK has written 3x more code in his fork than WhiteOak did in the original crate... a lot of that is extensions to DOtherSide in its C++ part but still. Would love to see that work upstreamed and this crate revived at some point.