White-Tiger / T-Clock

Highly configurable Windows taskbar clock
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Analog clock variant/addition? #143

Open exec228 opened 6 years ago

exec228 commented 6 years ago

Salut! Is there any hope for analog clock addition? You know, clock hands are more intuitive for time periods estimation. Thank you!

I had some freeware item once, in 98/2003 epoch. It really drew vector hands in notification area. But I lost that freeware (sigh... it came with the source). And for several last years I cannot cannot google back that program or any similar one that supports Windows classic no-skin theme - only your product is in first 500 Google results :-)

That software even had configuration for dial pad (circle, dots, background/transparent), hands (thickness, colour), hour ticks (size), and could draw a second hand... :-(

blackcrack commented 6 years ago

did you ever use the T-Clock ? ??? This is not on Desktop, this is in the Systray, a small 8 mm high thin clock in the taskbar .. holy ! (oh man.. common, can't be real now)

the name of the program please ? maybe found i am it.. but you can not go to any "clocked" program tool and say you wish a analog clock for your Desktop.. t-clock it is also a long developed as it is small open source (in the beginning as freeware on Win95 (or was it on W2K) and what do you think, an analog clock in the systray if it would be useful/if it makes sense.. so, this is the reason why this not is on t-clock..

best Blacky

exec228 commented 6 years ago

Yes! Definitely! I used TClock and fork TClockLite(Kazuto Sato) during an amount of two years or more, since 2005 or 2010.

Sure! Absolutely! I really used that another clock proggie with ANALOG hands, and YES! in system notification area (which you erroneously call SysTray)! About 2000-2005 period. On Windows NT4/32, XP, 2000, 2003, 2010/32.

100%! Of-course! Both hours and minutes hands were clearly visible in 32 pixels tall image! Even with hour ticks around! And I MEAN that it was Win95/98 theme, not XP/Vista theme. The problem was only seconds hand, which I tried to set another colour to avoid confusion with minutes hand. And black or red colour seconds hand was really hardly visible against white hands.

Nope! Alas! If I could find it again via it's name, I would not ask here. I just have been using THAT software without posting this question already!

blackcrack commented 6 years ago

*vbg* oohkey, calm down *bg* we are both oldys ! *vbg* this i have see now :+1: ;)

yes, the name would be very helpful for search :) and if i have it, could i find it maybe on any old ftp or so.. you know.. "the world of the 'soft'things" ;)

(small tip, the jocker* can you display with \* )

best regards blacky


exec228 commented 6 years ago

Oh, another rare sample. https://www.nakka.com/soft/trayc/ If I remember correctly, this project had too "bold" dial pad, over-designed, badly anti-aliased, and not customized. I have chosen for usage another one which I meant in topic-start.

That another one had the similar "high frequency name" which is extremely hard to google.

Btw: the clock I linked above - Windows 10x64, still ticking. :-)

White-Tiger commented 6 years ago

what exactly do you expect T-Clock to do? Adding some Notification Icon as an additional analog clock, or placing it where the digital clock is?

If I understood you correctly, your lost friend used the notification area / icons

exec228 commented 6 years ago

Good day!

Thank you for response!

I suppose that option {No analog clock, Analog dial pad left of text of digital, Analog dial pad right of text of digital, Analog dial pad only} could be interesting. If it makes sense.

Personally I never created animated tray icons myself, and I cannot suggest whether graphical icon is currently "compatible" with text clock.

Another version is displaying multiple clocks: analog for UTC, digital for Paris, analog for local, digital (with date) for local, N clocks in total.

Yet, it's my personal opinion only :-)

P.S. Yes, I know that order of icons in real notification area is not determined, and user or system could and would rearrange icons randomly and unpredictably. Therefore, idea of multiple timezones is not necessarily a good idea.

P.P.S. Author of that tiny tray clock was unknown to me. I just bumped upon his solution, when searched for "analog clock in tray" back in times.

blackcrack commented 6 years ago

hmm.. if you add more space by side of the text clock frame (so inside of it) and make maby more space right or left sideed, could you maybe handle that .... and therewith coult you make inside of the t-clock-frame an other frame with the clocks , left or right sided... or up /down,if the panel left or right sided, therewith could you determine {up|left|bottom|right of the T-clock with an extra frame in your t-clockframe, therewith have you the possible for rearrange .. if you work with a headframe and frames inside of the frame.. like in html/php but (c or c++ of which programmer-lang is T-Clock scripted ? )

Animated Gif or png is maybe not so an good idea, maybe more working with png's and then with y/x, therewith can you give the possible for different skins (underfolder, named.png's) clockface.png (maybe like this https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3a/Ole_Mathiesen_OM1.jpg/521px-Ole_Mathiesen_OM1.jpg ), howerhand.png, minutehand.png and secoundhand.png and the folder could be the [themename] (very easy holded maybe zip's like by winamp..), therewith it is for the users possible to create 1000's of different Clocks for it.. also the swish Trainstop clock (some peoples be fan of it giggle) with png's have you transparency and therewith the possible for make single parts .. Also the numbering or the whole crafic possibily in 4-6 surfacepossibility, hower, minute, secounds, the numbers or just strokes, 1/4, 10min Strokes and minutes strokes so.. 1..23..4..6 Surface Desighn possible, the face, the strokes, the minutes and howers maybe a coloring possibility ... the second-hand, Minutes-hand and Hower-hand .. 7 surfaces the last 3 movable ... the size could be 256x256px 300dpi png ( i work with skins, take a look on shop.kde.org https://store.kde.org/p/1002417/

best regards Blacky

exec228 commented 6 years ago
  1. As for Nakka's clock, it's written in good'ol-C.

The programmer can set notification icon in run-time, taking it from resources file/segment. He "can do it all day long". On the other hand, icon is a bitmap which could be manipulated pixel-by-pixel.

Thus Nakka ought to manipulate another bitmap (in this case, the icon1.ico file) and substitute the notification icon when the right time comes.

  1. That, let's call it "lost-tray-analog-clock", code was in C too.

When I looked into it's source, I recognised classical Bresenham's implementation of "line" function. That source was even shorter than Nakka's clock, containing one .c-file, one .ico-file just for shortcut demonstration purposes, and one project file for compiler. Creating actual icon for notification area "on the fly". Therefore lost-tray-analog-clock hasn't a background picture prepared beforehand. It filled the circle with white (or whatever colour is configured) algorithmically, as well as building lines for clock hands algorithmically.

The config was in .ini-file which had some defaults, which could be tweaked with any text editor handy. That time it was not uncommon approach for configuring tiny-ware without specially programmed interface.

  1. TClock is written in plain C as well.
White-Tiger commented 6 years ago

TClock is written in plain C as well.

well the AutoVersion helper is partially in C++ and the drawing rewrite is likely to make use of C++ as well.. (because of GDI+) Not that this matters much... only reason I wouldn't T-Clock to use C++ is bloat... which is why I'm not happily switching to it. In theory, if no bloated C++ stuff is used, it shouldn't result in bigger binaries... yet in practice, it still does...

blackcrack commented 6 years ago

more time, more news, more information's and therewith more sugar and therewith.. more Fad ! holy you're right.. if i look in the Mirror.. damn !! *lol* hihi.. humm.. well.. QT.. c++ and there with usable in Linux/plasma too.. and reactos it is also coming.. so, that's the spirit or what is the stinginess ?, either one goes with the time or any when functioning simply not anymore .. edit: i don't like if my mailadress easy taken in any mailinglist !! i hate something like that ! *abkotz*

best regards Blacky

sqerk commented 5 years ago

A slightly related request, I'd like to see a static icon. I'm using T-Clock cause I can't stand staring at the clock all day, but I want to have the time and date a click away. Couldn't find a good way to do it in Windows 10, its just off or on. So I've got T-Clock just showing me AM or PM with a fancy font, functions as my icon, is perfect. Another idea is maybe icons that change a couple times a day: Morning, Day, Evening, Night Just 4 icons

White-Tiger commented 5 years ago

well it's not really related to this issue... and I wouldn't directly call it "icons" either, but your request pretty much matches an idea I had for the new formatting system (if it'll ever happen) as that'll allow to have different presets for how the clock looks.. eg. different, more detailed on mouse hover. And since they're presets, I don't see a reason why mouse clicks, alarms, timers etc. shouldn't be able to trigger them as well. (would require further rewrite of the alarm system as well.. though that's also something that should be done at some point)