WhiteBlackGoose / nvim-latex-preconfig

Neovim Preconfiguration for LaTeX
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switching pdf viewer has no impact? #1

Open patzf opened 1 year ago

patzf commented 1 year ago

Using WIN10, therefore zathura is not an option.

changed the view method from zathura to sumatra in init.lua by using those two lines (from the docs)

vim.g.vimtex_view_general_viewer = 'SumatraPDF.exe'
vim.g.vimtex_view_general_options = '-reuse-instance -forward-search @tex @line @pdf'

Still, a call to :VimtexInfo shows that vimtex wants to use zathura (which it cannot find of course)..

any idea?

WhiteBlackGoose commented 1 year ago

You also need to edit this line in the config, I think

vim.g.vimtex_view_method = 'zathura'
patzf commented 1 year ago

I already did, in fact I use vim.g.vimtex_view_method = 'general'

although this should be the default.

The docs do not give more options other than those

g:vimtex_view_method Set the viewer method. By default, a generic viewer is used through the general view method (e.g. xdg-open on Linux).

  Possible values:
    * `'general'`
    * `'mupdf'`             |vimtex-view-mupdf|
    * `'skim'`              |vimtex-view-skim|
    * `'zathura'`           |vimtex-view-zathura|
    * `'zathura_simple'`    |vimtex-view-zathura-simple|