WhiteCoreSim / WhiteCore-Webui

This Project aims to Provide the Users of the WhiteCore Simulator http://whitecore-sim.org a WebInterface which can Run on any Apache2 Webserver
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V2-Beta Register #3

Open LifeGold opened 8 years ago

LifeGold commented 8 years ago

Downloaded an updated version of the website, when registration will issue this. http://prntscr.com/a849ry http://prntscr.com/a84a2p

WhiteCoreWebUI commented 8 years ago

yes i have not uploaded all SQL files which are needed for this yet as i am preparing them for public use also i dont recommend using this version yet as it is highly unstable and needs a lot of improving

WhiteCoreWebUI commented 8 years ago

Also it might help if you tell me if you edited the mysql.php and config.php and post the entries without passwords

LifeGold commented 8 years ago

mysql.php and config.php and some files where was the connection with the MySQL Password edited is the same as was set in configuration files on server files.