WhiteHouse / api-standards

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This is not "Truly Restful" #11

Open inadarei opened 11 years ago

inadarei commented 11 years ago

I would drop "truly RESTful API" mentioned couple times. Especially since you mention Roy's name in the same document. I don't want to speak for Roy, but considering his writing he would not call these guidelines RESTful at all. Case in point: http://roy.gbiv.com/untangled/2008/rest-apis-must-be-hypertext-driven

Your document adheres to what a lot of people commonly call REST and what I used to call "pragmatic REST" years ago, but it's not Hypermedia APIs, which is what Roy would call "true REST".

mstade commented 11 years ago


I agree. At best, this is level 2 but arguably, because of how the verbs are mapped to CRUD operations and ignore some of the semantics of the verbs (see #13 for further discussion) it's really just level 1.

NoahKunin commented 11 years ago

I think this is more a problem with the presentation. I don't read this to say these verbs will always map to these CRUD OPs on every API the WH releases. It's just an example, from an outside source at that.

The only declared exceptions are the section above, under Pragmatic REST. Some copy above the verb table could go a long way to clarify. I'll put in a pull request later for some clarifying text above that table.